Sunday, January 23, 2011

Love the message in this song

The new Rascal Flatts CD has pretty much lived in my CD player on the way to work for the last month or two. This song however took on a new meaning this week. "I won't let go" is an amazing love song, but if you look at the words I think it can have a new meaning. I always have a song in my head throughout the day and this week, this has been the song. I know it's supposed to be a love song between a couple, but for me this week it was between me and Him. Listen to the words....that's how much He loves us!!! I'm getting chills just typing this again.

Psalms 37: 23-24
23 The LORD makes firm the steps
   of the one who delights in him;
24 though he may stumble, he will not fall,
   for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love Forgets

I love the beach! It has become one of my favorite places to visit. There is just something about looking at the waves rolling in or watching a sunset while on the sand, it is just peaceful. When one looks out at the ocean, it's hard to see where it ends. It is an amazing reminder of our amazing Creator. His love is deeper than the ocean and it never ends. Just as you can't see the end of the ocean, just by standing on the shore, a child of His will never see the end of His love. I'm such a visual person and God knows that :-). This past week, He reminded me of something else. His love forgets. When we ask Him to forgive us about something, He does the first time and He forgets about them. His love doesn't end, so just because we remember it tomorrow, He doesn't. One last thing....When His word says to love others like He loves us. We need to forget when we forgive. It's not easy and it can hurt, but its what His word says to do. Sometimes what we remember, hurts us more than it does anyone else because we will not forget about it. Love yourself enough to forgive and forget. Forgive others, forgive yourself.. You are going to mess up, don't beat yourself up about it. Ask for forgiveness and forget about it, tomorrow is a new day. Love yourself like He loves you.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's a new year

This is my first blog, so bear with me. I'm learning about all of this as I go. 2010 was a memorable year. I learned more in the last six months of last year, then I have in the last couple of years. I learned about who I was in Him and what He has planned, and this time I can say I actually got it:-). So many times He has told me things, only for me to keep going around the same mountain and doing the same thing. Feelings are not always a good thing and they can get you into trouble. Some days you just have to do what you know is right regardless of how you feel. On to the purpose of this blog...I've been writing devotionals for a couple of years now, but sharing them with very few. That's not His plan and I know that now. Writing is His gift and it's time I start using it for Him. I have a journal full of "devotionals in progress" and my hope is through this blog to get some of those off paper(along with some new ones) and to share with all of you. My hope is that throughout the year one or more of these posts will encourage you. It's time I uncovered the talents, and walk in obedience with He said to do. So here goes...I hope you will join me for these moments along this journey. I'm expecting great things in 2011.