This weekend a sisterhood is gathering not on a mountain, but close to it. We all have a story that we took to the mountain this summer and left there. We came down off of the mountain different, changed. Some found the encouragement they needed to keep moving forward, some realized finally they weren't the only ones in the middle of a mess, some found the fire that they had been searching for, and some found their breakthrough. Since we have all left the mountain, we have taken the enemy back there a time or two. We've taken him back and reminded him of what God started on the mountain, what God carried on the mountain, and most of all what God delivered on that mountain. We've reminded the enemy that what God started, He finishes...and God started something on that mountain. He breathed life into an army, a sisterhood that became Stronger. Stronger not because the mess went away, but Stronger because God said let me have the mess. Stronger because God said "I'm walking this with you....step where I step.". Stronger because God said....I can do more than you can imagine THROUGH you if you'll let me have it. Stronger is looking at the mountain through God's eyes and not your feelings. Yes, this sisterhood is getting together and as the scripture says where two are three are gathered...yep God's already there.
I went up to the mountain not sure of what to expect. My friends were leading the retreat, but I was way out of my comfort zone. I knew God was in it though and had already been working on my mess. See I'm a stuffer and up until the time I registered for the retreat, I was perfectly content to keep stuffing. It was comfortable until it wasn't. At some point as children of the Most High, He will let us walk so far on our own before He makes it uncomfortable enough that we get still and listen. God is a good, good Father (Yes I'm loving that worship song right now...). He knows what we need and He knows when we need it. He knows just how long that chain will reach before we look up to Him and go...can we break this now? He knows and the timing doesn't surprise Him. It may make us go really God?...but then again His ways were never ours to understand. For this I'm just simply thankful. Thankful that my steps are ordered by a God who planted a purpose and an anointing in me before I was even born. Thankful that He doesn't waste a moment and uses all of them for my good according to His purposes. When we step where He says to step, it may not always feel right or make sense, but He never promised it would. I went up to the mountain with an open heart, God had already started peeling back layers......and the healing started on the mountain. Years of stuffing how I felt about things, putting on the smile that "was expected", and living life in a box...had taken it's toll. The band-aid had been ripped off, and the great Physician had brought the peroxide to the mountain. Peroxide doesn't feel the best when poured into a wound, but it's cleansing and brings up healing. Sometimes it bubbles and brings the yucky stuff to the surface, so that the washing can take place...and cleanse it all away. If we are never willing to let God take our band-aids off, true healing can't take place. It takes time and doesn't always feel great, but it's freedom. The mountain started the healing that God had ordained for this season, the chains had been broken, and this girl was learning what freedom truly looks like(and it wasn't feet glued to the floor anymore!)
Healing doesn't mean the enemy doesn't try to remind you of the past. (Remind him of his future at that point...). I've learned since that mountain time, this Jesus girl is a threat to the enemy...and therefore there will always be bumps and darts. My God is stronger and the same power that He had, I have. Let that sink in Child of God....when we received as our own what Jesus did for us on the cross, we became joint heirs with Him. That means what HE has, we have....let's walk in that authority and victory. It doesn't mean we will always feel it, but God is stronger than our feelings. For every feeling (anxiety, doubt, discouragement, fear, insecurity etc.) God has a truth. At some point, how we feel about ourselves can't be our measure of how we see ourselves. God's truth is that measure and that makes us stronger.
If you are a regular reader, you have seen my posts from this summer forward. God has been working. I let go of a lot of things on that mountain and the weeks after. I let go of anxiety, of fear, of insecurity, and of people pleasing. I let go of control, let's face it I only thought I had it anyway. I let go of who I saw myself as and embraced who God said I was. The enemy had taken two days and called them his own, but God said I've redeemed those days. I called you and equipped you for those days. They may have knocked you down for a minute, but you came up stronger. (Blog to come soon with more about that...) . If you are wondering more about this Stronger sisterhood (check out my Nashville mom's site:
Stronger ) God gave her a vision on the mountain months before this summer and it has spread. I've watched this woman go through some of her "it". What should have knocked her down, God redeemed and made her stronger. She's sharing that strength with women across the country and it's a fire that is spreading.
I don't know what mess you may be feeling your way through today, but God does. He knows that smile you put on because it's expected. He knows why you do what you do and who you are trying to please. Let's not forget readers, He knows the desires of our heart. He knows when we set out with the right intentions and when we set out to please someone else. God knows what you have stuffed down and what you have covered up with a band-aid. He knows why you keep the band-aid on, but He also sees the trouble you have keeping it on and how many times you have had to replace it. (Let that visual sink's deep). Let Him take it off sweet friend...yes it's going to hurt at first, but the freedom that comes with His healing is priceless. The freedom that comes when you let Him take that pain and make it into something beautiful. The freedom that comes when He empties you of all of your "stuff", so He can fill you with all of His "stuff". I'm thankful for what He started this summer, because His word says He will be faithful to complete it. I'm thankful God redeemed what the enemy tried to take for a time, and in return gave me purpose, His. This season isn't without it's struggles, but there is a peace knowing that God knows just how high I can handle the waves and as long as I keep my eyes on Him, they will stay under my feet.
God speak life into those reading this today. You know where they are at on their journey and in this race we call life. God know you alone know their hearts and what they have poured out to you. God speak strength to those that are trying to figure out how to pick up their feet to take the next step. Speak healing to those that have taken the band-aid off and gotten real with their "stuff". Speak peace to those as that need it and remind them You alone can speak to the wind and the waves. God thank you for who you are. Thank you for being that good, good Father that loves us more than we love ourselves. Thank you for staying after us when we try to walk it on our own and for catching us when we fall. Thank you for picking us back up and reminding us our steps are ordered. Thank you for giving us a spirit of power and of a sound mind. Thank you for moving some of our mountains and for climbing the others with us. Thank you for being You Jesus. In the name of Jesus fill us up so that we can pour out from the overflow of your presence. We aren't moving back Jesus because we know You are calling us forward. ~Amen...