I'm such a visual person and sometimes the pictures God paints in our time together.....sometimes the pictures are His way of pulling up the glasses of His perspective and letting me see things from His view.
When we release things, when we let things go, when we dig up roots (with His help), there is a hole left. Releasing is just the first part to moving forward.....it's the next step that determines what happens next. Are we covering the holes we just emptied, trying to hold on in some way to the idea of what we let go of? Are we trying to fill those holes with the things from the current season not realizing God has new seed to plant in those holes and the new season is coming? Are we arms up in praising asking Him to fill the holes or are we staying distracted so that we feel the holes but that's about it? The shift is in the atmosphere, the season is changing....don't miss it because your holes are sitting empty waiting to be filled with seed that only He can give. It may seem dark and lonely while the covering takes place, but don't lose hope.....it's a new season coming your way!
I almost typed there are multiple blogs in the works from the last couple of months, but there may even be a book. The layers get pulled back, the truth gets revealed....that's His part, then it comes time for yours. Obedience at this stage in the journey takes more than a checklist, more than a set time each day, it takes desire and pursuit of being whole...knowing that as long as you are not walking in obedience you aren't whole. Knowing that once He speaks a word to you, breathes life into you, paints the picture you asked Him to....it's your turn next. The response looks different because we are all different. God didn't make us all the same and that means we don't show our love the same way to Him either. Some praise with a shout, some with a dance, some with a run, some with a prayer only God can understand, some with hands/feet in motion, and some with just a simple smile. The Creator of the Universe....has the details of our heart engrained on His and He knows just what we need. Oh how we must make not only make Him smile some days but laugh as we try to follow the steps that aren't shaped for our feet or listen for the notes that aren't being played from our hearts. We lose sight of the focus when we look at our this and that from a perspective other than His. We grow frustrated when we forget that what we can see isn't all there is and that the impact/difference we are making goes way past what is seen. As the word says, so we fix our eyes on what is unseen.....
Before you go reading this, going oh great another keep pushing sunshine and roses post. Umm no...the details will come in a later post, but this is the view from the other side. This is the view from realizing the enemy has had my focus on the battles of this level so that I couldn't see the fight I needed to engage in on another level. The wounds happen when we disengage from the battle...and some moments in the battle we are meant to soar sweet readers. We are meant to mount up on the wings of eagles and rise above the distractions of what we can see. It's not easy period. Discouragement is real especially when we are distracted. There are days when the prayer closet is the last place you want to go. There are moments when a gentle kick in the pants reminds you hey get your focus back on My plans for you and My Business. There are moments when that cover you placed over your fire, There are moments when you know the power on the inside of you, yes, but you still feel your way through. But God always gets through.....He always keeps whispering knowing that when the time is right, the heat inside that covered flame is going to get some hot that you will pull the cover back off again. He knows that because He lit the flame and what He starts no one else can touch. He knows because He knows you. He doesn't waste a moment so let your this and that become part of your story and be real with how He spelled it out for you. Be real with where He's brought you, walked you through, and covered you...Be real with the fires and the valleys....Be real because you don't know the holes other people have, the roots God is helping them pull up, and your transparency, your story.....maybe what He uses to fill their hole. Your steps are ordered by the One who wrote your story long before you could read. Your steps are ordered and even though it doesn't make sense....the pieces are His to put in place, He just asks that you stay engaged and focused.
More to come later....