Yes, it's been a LONG time since I posted a blog and yes I have a lot I need to post...those will come in time. We all go through seasons and sometimes it takes stepping back in those seasons to see what's really going on (aka through His lenses). It doesn't mean that the storms steady, but it means He steadies you. It doesn't mean the situation changes or even the mess becomes clearer, but just as three Hebrew boys were thrown into a fire realized, there was a fourth man walking around with them. God can use what we see a mess in time to become a message for us to share. I've seen Him do it before....and that's how I know He will do it again. We are in a season of 21 days of prayer and fasting at church and for the first time, I'm all in. I've never fasted as much as I am right now or stayed as committed as I have with this one. The difference this round, I needed to hear from God....I needed to get some clear direction on where this journey was headed. I truly wish I could tell you I've heard specific answers from God, but I haven't. He has spoken promises and for that I'm thankful. Sometimes God doesn't give us the specifics we seek after, because it's about having faith and just seeking after Him that He wants to develop in us. Knowing what He's promised us and that He will finish what He enough to keep moving forward when distractions want us to turn back around.
Throughout this past season, God has taught me that even when things in one area don't make sense, to draw closer to Him....because it's in doing that things that are in the natural do grow strangely dim. I'm working a couple of posts about spiritual warfare and on what do you do while in the middle (aka that in-between place of God what is this mess to I trust you for the message God). The enemy wants us to keep our stories to ourselves because he knows the power that is in them. Let that sink in and if you are like me and have struggled way too long with letting distractions get your voice, ask God if that needs to be in your 2020.
I'll end with this by saying if you think you've missed haven't. I've seen Him take me from moments of are you sure I shouldn't be putting a for sale sign up in the yard, to finding my "I get to" while serving. Growth scares the enemy so don't be shocked when he turns up the heat as you grow to the next level. Consistency also scares him....but that's a blog to come. Hear my heart...the purpose God designed for you to do long before you were born still exists. Take some time this week to let Him reveal it to you and trust Him for the whispers to your soul.
Here's to an amazing 2020 with doors only He can open!!