Sunday, March 27, 2011

Some nuggets for the journey this week....

It's been a couple of weeks, but with silence comes some incredible nuggets for the journey.
 Here are a few:
  • Exodus 14:15- Moses was whining basically to God about how inadequate He was. God plainly told him to keep moving forward and to use what God had already given him. (If you'll read the two verses before God had pretty much told Moses to tell the people that He had their back and this battle was God's to fight. My paraphrasing) What's in your hand? What has God already told you to do, told you He had this covered and yet you still remain in the same spot, crying out for an answer? Chances are He's already given you everything you need to fight and keep moving forward, have you been listening?
  • So many times we quote Jeremiah 29:11 about God knowing the plans He has for us, but how many times have we read the verse that proceeds that one. Jeremiah 29:10 last part says: " I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place."  Life's not easy, trust me I know. I've learned though(finally:-)) that regardless of how you feel you have to keep moving forward. All of those things you see as hurtful etc. God really does have a plan. He's not going to waste one moment of something that happens to you. So look back at that a valley so to speak, not sure what's going on....God knows and He's going to bring you back to that place where everything makes sense, where you can see the pieces fitting together. Until that time though,  you have to trust Him with everything! (Trust is more than words, its action...put some feet to those words and keep moving despite how you feel).
  • Jeremiah 29: 13:  Seek HIM not just His answers..... Are you bringing your list of requests to God or yourself?
  • How many times do we quote 1 Corinthians 10: 13 as one of those God won't give us more than we can handle etc.?  Have you ever noticed the last part of says "he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it". Sometimes we pray for a way out when God wants us to just stand up.
Some days are easier than others, He knows that. He knows before you get out of bed if you are going to get it right that day, but guess what...He loves you regardless!! Don't beat yourself up(and don't let the world do it either)...make sure you have people around you that pour in and encourage instead of take and discourage(but that's a blog for another day). He has so many things He wants to whisper to you, but first you have to slow down and listen.

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