Monday, April 25, 2011

Power and Easter

Call it random if you want, but here are some things to think about.......
So He gave me this picture yesterday....I loved watching my class hunt Easter Eggs this past week. They went out with such excitement and such anticipation of the treasures that awaited them. They collected what they could. Back in the room they eagerly tore into their eggs to see what each held. Some were excited about the prizes in theirs, some wanted what the others had, and some were just in awe of how much they had gained in just a few minutes. Some wanted the candy more than the prizes. Each day holds new things. Some are prizes that may be exciting to your eyes, and it may be appealing to others. Sometimes your day may only hold a starburst or two and someone else has found a egg full of chocolate. This journey is not an Easter Egg hunt, but some days we look at it as such. We look and search for the eggs full of treasures and would rather pass up the ones that don't seem as special to us. That's not the way He had planned for it to happen. Each day is yours for the taking and it holds something so special, the chance to make a difference. What you do with it is what will make the difference of what treasure is in yours.

Next thought:
Same picture of the Easter Egg hunt different though....So many times Christians are going through each day searching for some hidden treasure when the treasure lies within them. We get so excited about Easter and what it represents. It's an amazing time to reflect on what Christ did for us on the cross, what His sarcrifce truly means, and what amazing thing happened that third day. This thought slapped me upside the face  yesterday(and I needed to be reminded of it). That same power that raised Jesus on the third day is the same power we are walking around with each day. So in that aspect, why do we let things get to us the way we do(hello...that one hurt), why do we act as though we have the weight of the world on our shoulders, why do we even ask why? That power is ours for the taking each day, we don't have to go on a hunt for it and keeping looking for some golden egg.

One last one:
God started this thought a month or so ago and finished it yesterday while watching the drama Pierced at church. We've been talking about breaking free in Sunday School and one day God very plainly asked the question "Now where did you put that key at?".  He reminded me of that yesterday when Jesus took the keys away from Satan after rising from the grave. God has already given us the power we need to handle anything, it's up to use it. So if you are sitting there thinking, haven't I been on this mountain before? or I thought I already passed this test, or the famous not again? Look for where you put the keys to unlock those chains the first time, because if they are back, you are the one who locked them...

I'm not perfect, far from it. I fall down a lot still, but I'm learning how to get back up faster. I've got scars from some stops along this journey, some you can see, and others that are between God and me. I'm learning He has something greater in store, and the best really is still to come. I'm stronger than when I first started and I'm pretty sure I'm learning how to make Him smile( and maybe even laugh a little). I'm learning I like this me and it's okay if others don't.(trust me this is still hard to swallow sometimes). The journey is far from complete, but with each step I can see a little more of His reflection.

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