Monday, June 6, 2011

From the Files.......Walls

I'm not always sure who reads the blog, so I thought I would send out some from the files. Some of you may have seen this one, some may have not. He reminded me of this one last night when I came across the verse included at the bottom. We all have walls that we face, some on a daily basis, some on a weekly basis etc. Some of the walls we may get over easily and with grace, some may take some time and require just a little more strength than those in the past. It's our choice whether we let the walls stand in our way, or if we listen when He says.."Come on, let's get up and over this one."

 I was reading in Psalms in my quiet time tonight and came across something I just had to share.  I love watching the show “Flip that House”.  One of my favorite parts is watching them tear down the walls to change the layout of the house.  Sometimes they can easily tear the walls down, other times they have to demolish parts of the wall and leave the frame work intact to rebuild the wall.  Each wall requires a different approach.  We all have walls that are up in our lives.  Some of those walls exist in our minds caused by fear, worry, or something from our past.  Some of the walls exist simply because of circumstances and deadlines.  Some of the walls are there because of our choosing, because we allowed them to be built up over time, while other walls are there simply because God allowed for them to be built.  The reason for the wall doesn’t matter, as long as one thing remains the focus.  As Christians we have the power inside of us to overcome any obstacle, any test, and any wall that comes across our path.  He never promised us an easy road; He knew there would be walls that would come up in our paths.  Praise God though He did promise us that He would give us what we need each step of the way. 

Remember this week that no matter what wall you may be encountering whether it’s from your past, on the job, a family situation etc.  God has given you everything you need to scale that wall and go over to the other side full of victory.  There is a portion in the obstacle course on the show American Gladiators where they have to use a rope to scale a wall.  Tonight some of the people were struggling just to get over even with the help of the rope.  They just didn’t have the strength they needed to scale the wall.  Don’t allow the enemy to let you feel defeated just because you encounter a wall up in your path!  God has already gone before you and has given you the power to be victorious each step of the journey.  You are a precious child of the Most High and there is nothing He wouldn’t do for you.

Walk in victory this week and claim the promises found in His word!   

I saved the best for last, something to claim this week as you encounter the walls in your pathPsalms  …. “With my God I can scale a wall” He has given you everything you need to overcome any obstacle!  When you feel you can’t do it, just hold on, He’s there to push you up and over.

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