Friday, January 6, 2012

Two pairs of shoes

He started writing this one this morning and I'm amazed it was finished before I left work. It's a mixture of blog or bust with some meat ;-)

I love shoes and have evidence of that in my closet. A lot of my shoes are the same size, but very few are similar in style. Even the ones from the Croc store are different styles and different colors, but all the same size. They all fit differently and have a unique purpose. Certain pairs match with certain things and others they don't blend so well. Just because two pairs of shoes may be the same size, doesn't mean they are going to fit the same.

God threw the cookie cutter away when He created us. We are each unique, we each have a part to play in this journey called life. We each hold a piece of that puzzle that makes up the world we live in.  Even when two people may have held the same position(same job type), doesn't mean they are going to do the job the same way. You are a unique person and you have your own style in how you do what you do. Be the you He created you to be, despite the pressure from others to be the you they want you to be. Where is all this coming from you wonder? I'm tired of competition and tired of comparisons. I'm tired of doing my own thing simply to be compared to someone else or the person who previously did what I do. God's finally brought me to a place where I can look in the mirror and see the me He created me to be. That's the me with some gifts and talents to share with others. He also showed me though sometimes, you can't sow your seed on rocky ground. When God gives you a place to be who you are and to just be yourself gifts and all, ENJOY IT!! It will help when the times of the pressure cooker come to play. It has taken me almost 30 years to realize who that me is, and I like me. (If you only knew how much I've had to sort through to get there).  So where does the shoe thing come into place? Don't compare people. God made us each unique and to things that only we can do. Just because some one may be in a position that was previously held by someone else doesn't mean they are going to do things the same way. Give them a chance to show you what they can do without pressures and let them be themselves. Just because two pairs of shoes are the same size, doesn't mean they are going to fit the same or serve the same purpose. (My furry boots and my rain boots are both the same size and style, but serve very different purposes).

Am I currently dealing with some of this? Yes in a part of my life I am. In case you haven't picked up yet, I don't tend to blog about just any random thing. I've walked through a lot.  BUT God smiled this afternoon in a way only He could and it was an answer prayer. I don't do what I do for thank yous or appreciation, but when someone says thank you or what a difference you are making.....I can live off that for WEEKS and it pushes me to do even more. Appreciate the people in your life and tell them so. You may be the answer to their prayer. (Side note: Even when you don't get it, keep doing what you can and giving it your all. He will bring you a harvest as only He can).

You are a unique person. God made you to be you, not anyone else. He made you to play a part and hold a piece that only you can. Don't let what the world says dictate who you are, listen to what He says. Let what He says about you matter more than what the world says. He matters more than they do, and He will take care of you. Enjoy the moments He gives you where you can be yourself, it will get you through the times when you can't always be you. Love yourself as He does, and when you look in the mirror and see the who He sees. God made you a special person and there are things only you can do!! Don't miss your part trying to do someone elses.

Until next time

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