Saturday, August 4, 2012


It has been an amazing summer(a crazy busy one and down right chaotic at times), but an amazing summer nonetheless. I haven't accomplished everything I had on my summer to-do list, but I don't think any teacher reaches the end of summer and says, yep I finished everything I had planned to do. I've done some things that were not on the list, and others will get finished as I walk into this new school year. I was reminded yet again this morning, that if we will listen, He will show us things about ourselves that we didn't know were there. He whispered something, that just made me smile. I didn't set out to accomplish it this summer, but through the course of the events He worked it out through me. I know some of you are sitting there wondering okay what's she talking about and why is the title labeled shadows. See I am a firm believer that God knows my heart better than anyone else. He knows my innate desires, those things that I'm too scared to tell anyone else, and He knows those weaknesses that I refuse to let show to others. (Yes you can hide your weaknesses with fake, but you can never hide them from Him.) He knows how He wired you and He knows what He has made you to be. He knew I needed to believe in myself like He believes in me. It's not about what others think, its about what I think and do. My actions speak louder than my words is such a powerful quote, but it applies to yourself as well. If you believe in yourself, it's not a pride thing, its a knowing who you are in Him and knowing that regardless of public opinion, you are called to live Him. Believing in yourself like He does, releases you from looking to others for approval and knowing that He will take care of that part as well. Through the course of events this summer and something a friend told me, I've realized some things about myself that I had hid for too long. I've played the part and stayed in the shadows, but there is more to me than that. There comes a time when you truly grasp what He says about you and realize that what others think does not make a difference. You are accountable for what you do, how you act, and what you say. You are responsible for how you react to what comes at you, regardless of how you feel. Life is not always going to feel good on the outside, you are going to get hurt and people are going to play mean, BUT that doesn't need to/have to affect how you see yourself. It is God's job to understand and figure out why others think the way they do and act that way, not yours. You may not understand why someone did something, that's okay. Confess it/Speak it and move on....knowing that you will never truly understand so why let it continue to eat away at you. Don't put God in a box and don't put yourself in one either. Too many times we have in our minds what we want to have happen, where we want to go and God has so much bigger in store. The thing you may be seeking, may in God's plan just be a stepping stone. Don't set your eyes on the here and now. Okay this blog is getting long enough...It's really my heart on paper without getting specific. Last thing on the title, the only shadow you should be seeking to follow is God's. When you step where He steps and go where He goes life will be good. Don't follow(or let someone else direct you to follow), another person's shadows. You are YOU and God made YOU to do things that only you can.
Until next time,

Blog to come:
Live your heart, make your time count, and take the time  you need to invest in those who need you. There is a difference in need and use. Spend time with God and He'll show you the difference between the two.  

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