Saturday, March 30, 2013

You can do it!

Words are powerful things. The old saying of sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me is inaccurate. Whether you believe it or not, words are powerful and mean more to what happens in your life than you can imagine. So many times we tell the kids to think before they say something, but how many times do we stop to take our advice? How many times do we run that thought through something other than our own flesh? How many times do we let that thought become a word or phrase only to wish we could take it back? We blame a lot of our mess on other people, but in all honesty we haven't helped the situation any ourselves if we keep looking at it from a negative perspective. God's keeping His promise, but so many times we fail to do our part. We see the glass as half empty instead of half full. We see the stress instead of the strength. We see the problem instead of the provision. We see the complaint instead of the compliment. The title of the blog is simple You can do it! Think about that for a minute, as Christians we are celebrating a weekend full of power. That very same power lives inside of you. Tap into it instead of tapping out. Choose the overflow instead of the overwhelm. Tell yourself you can do it because He said you can. Believe in yourself as much as He does. After all, He promised He would give you what you needed to do what comes your way. Don't defeat yourself before you get started. Watch how you talk to yourself. Too many times we are our own worst enemy and critique. The world will do its part and provide enough criticism and negative words, don't help them any by telling yourself first. You can do it, for no other reason than God said you can! Walk into next week knowing He's got your back and has you covered. Trust Him, do what you can, and take care of you in the process. Everything really will fall into place if we will do what He says when He says it.

Until next time,

Friday, March 29, 2013

Day 2 aka The Middle

This is my favorite time of the year, I love it more now that I have finally learned that the feeling and excitement we get for Day 3 is the same excitement and power we can have each and every day. (If you are not there yet, be patient with's on that list of things you can't see but He can also learned as the list of Relationship Lessons 101). I know I've been quiet this month, He's been writing some that has been just between me and Him.  I still had some revelations and some "stuff" I needed to make sure was at the bottom of the mountain. Apparently there will always be "stuff", but its your choice where your focus is. I digress though...
This is not a blog about the past month, this is a blog about Day 2 and what He wrote tonight.

Tomorrow is Day 2 in Easter weekend. Day 1 was filled with sadness and loss of hope. Day 1 was a storm and a situation that rocked their world back then. (Stay with me....) Day 2 was kind of quiet, several were scared from what happened on Day 1, and most had probably forgotten what His promise for Day 3 was. Day 2 was the middle....that place between the storm and God showing out. Day 3 reminds us that even when it looked like all hope was lost, God showed up and showed out. I don't know where you are at right now, but Day 3 is coming. If you are in what looks like Day 2...the storm has happened, remember Day 3 is coming. Patience sweet reader, God is never late and will always show up and show out just when it's time.

More blogs to come I promise....if you could listen in on our conversations lately you would know He's writing a storm. Courage will come soon to type some, I know. Be available and be listening....the time is coming when God is looking for those He are ready to hear it all and then go share it!

 Thankful for grace tonight and His mercy....excited just because I know He's got it(and believe you encompasses a lot just on my part ;-)) Best thing is....He can handle it all much better than I could ever think of doing.

Until next time!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

The Proper Time

Galatians 6:9 has  been on my heart this week. "Let us not become weary in well-doing, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up". (That may be a combination of versions, but you get the gist).

So what is the proper time? It's certainly not our time, because we live in the flesh and we are impatient. It's God's time. So how to you get to where you see God's timing(or God showing out as I sometimes like to say)? Answer is: patience and trust. It takes patience to keep doing what you know you are supposed to be doing(regardless of how you feel) each and every day. It takes trust in Him, knowing He has your back and knowing that as long as you just keep doing what He has told you to do....He will take care of the rest.

So why do we get stressed and find ourselves in a mess? Because we trust in words but not always in action. We are patient as long as it feels okay, but when it gets tough we want to give up. Let's face it...if we are operating as us, we can do NOTHING!!. The world we live in today is becoming meaner by the minute. As sad as it is, you have to watch your back otherwise you will end up with a knife or two in it. You have to be careful how much you give, because there are those out there that will take until there is nothing left of you. The world is mean. It takes reliance on Him to walk boldly forward, knowing He has your back(when the knife comes, it hits Him not you first). It takes trust with actions that leads to a peace to know what He has called you to do. It is fine to give to others, but know your boundaries. Honesty check: I am HORRIBLE at this still. Where has it gotten me this year? More stress than I have ever had  before and it is now starting to affect my health. It has to stop, but the only one who can stop it is me. You can give until you are so busy and running in circles you don't recognize yourself in the mirror. Hard lesson I've learned: Giving until until you reach that point only hurts you. They will not respect you more, think of you more, or do more for you just because you do for them. The hardest thing, but the most freeing is to realize that you have to believe in yourself as much as He does. Sometimes your only cheerleader is God....and that's okay ;-)

The last two weeks have been stress-filled to say the least. The next ten prove to be just the same. I am not a superwoman, but I serve a super God. I have had to come to grips with the fact that He and He alone is the one that understands me.(Although I have asked for someone with skin on....) I have also asked Him about some of my frustrations, and His reply was simply "What is done in the dark, eventually comes to light. You can only sweep so much dirt under the rug before it starts to show." We are only responsible for the seeds we sow. The law of sowing and reaping is biblical. It will come to pass at some point.

So I'm trusting Him for the proper time on a couple of things in particular, realizing that His word will come to pass. I'm finding comfort in the fact that He and I have a close enough relationship that He has clued me in on my gifts, talents, and where He wants me. (I have had more well meaning people over the last couple of weeks try to inform me where my gifts are, my talents lie, and what God wants me to do...Sad they can't see the real me but only what me they want to see). Please know that He knows me well enough to knock me upside the head if and when I need adjustment. I'm tired of being analyzed on facebook, so you are likely to see more blogs from the middle of the journey. I'm human and just blessed that He allows me to write things out. He alone knows my heart, and I trusted Him a long time ago with that.

Different kind of blog, but I'm just trying to be real.
Until next time,