Saturday, June 29, 2013

I called you to be YOU.....

Okay today was the day I had been on my calendar to do one of those "dreaded" things on my to-do list. I mean literally since I added this thing to my to-do list, it has been a dread/worry whatever you want to call it. Why do we do that to ourselves? It wasn't anything major, just a pure inconvenience but I let it annoy me for numerous reasons. Add doing it in a no air conditioner setting and it's hard to stay positive. Now that I am on the other side of that dreaded to do and it is a done item, the weight is lifted. Now if only I had completely trusted Him with taking care of it in the first place? He loves us that much.

Sometimes those bumps in our schedules, those inconveniences we call, are nothing more than God moments. Sometimes God uses those moments to whisper something because He knows we are listening.

So this morning, He was whispering and I was listening. It was such a sweet moment. So many times we get caught up in making sure we are doing what God called us to do. We look to others who may have the same calling/ministry etc. We try to make sure our schedules look like theirs and make sure we are doing all we can to run that race. It happens at work too. We see others getting pats on the backs, recognition, and moving on up the ladder and we "feel" we need to match everything they are doing(especially if we don't "feel" we are where we should be...). We get so caught up in making sure we are doing our calling, that we forget to be who He called us to be.

His whisper was plain and simple this morning, but straight to the core. "I called you to be Melissa".

Those few words sunk in and wow. We can get so caught up in our doing that we forget to be ourselves. We forget that our doing comes from who He has called us to be. Our doing will come naturally if we will just be who has called us to be. After all, He knew us before He made us and each part of us is there for a reason. We make Him smile when are just ourselves ;-)

Until next time

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