Doors are interesting things. Doors can serve as a passageway or a boundary. Either way we all have seen a closed door and an open door at some times in our lives. So God woke me up with doors on the mind this morning. I don't know how you are with doors, but I can handle the ones I close and open. It's the ones God close that I tend to want to try and make sure they are "closed" or even try to open them again. I've had some doors close lately, some God closed and some I have closed. One of the doors I closed was closed because of feelings and once I realized that I reopened it. We have to pay attention to the doors we close. Are they closed because of a truth God lead us to? or Are they closed because we got hurt/mad/disappointed and didn't feel like leaving it open anymore? Know the difference, because feelings could cause you to miss out on the timing of something God has planned.
On to doors God closes.....those are not so easy to leave alone. For some reason we spend a lot of time and energy trying to reopen a door God has closed. Trying to open the door only causes frustration and stress. I am thankful God loves as much as He does. If He didn't, He would open that door and let us see why He closed it. He doesn't work that way and we need to trust Him that it's closed for a reason.
Sometimes He closes the door of a friendship, the door of a season, or even the door of a habit. We hold on to things God said to let go of because they are comfortable. We try to pull the past into the present with us, but it only weigh us down.
Some of what God has shown me over the last two months, as He has peeled back the layers of my heart are the doors He has closed. Friendships for one reason or another are not a part of this season. Habits that have got to go and stay gone. (How many times do we commit to eat right only to have that sweet thing open that door again?). What if's and past regrets that are just that in the past and have no room walking forward. God didn't design us to walk forward carrying anything. That's why He said I'll carry the load.
Think back over your last couple of months, weeks, or maybe even days. What doors has God closed? What doors have you closed? If God closed the door, leave it alone. He has a reason for shutting the door and it is not ours to question. If you closed the door, ask Him if it is for the right reason. Make sure the doors you shut are done so because of truth and not feelings(fear, anxiety, hurt etc.). Seasons are a part of a life and a part of His plan. Just as we are all anticipating spring after this cold winter, look forward to the next season God has planned for you as well. It may just be your Spring soon and time for what has been planted to bloom.
Until next time,
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