Sunday, November 2, 2014


It would take multiple blog posts to put into words everything He has spoken into my life over the last few months, particularly this past month. So many times I think we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation, be it us or the situation, and we ask Him for a way out. We stake our ground and plant our feet and say that's it God I'm standing until you move. When all along God's already given us what we need to not only find our way out of this situation, but through it. In short, uncomfortable is not always a bad thing. At some point on this faith journey, it finally clicks. It finally makes sense that we grow stronger through some "things" than if He were to take us out of them altogether. Our Heavenly Daddy knows what we need. He knows if He needs to speak to our storms or to speak to His child. Trust comes in at this point. Trust is taking on step even when you aren't sure where to step after that. Trust is walking knowing He hold the flashlight in one hand and yours in the other.

Trust is more than words. It's action behind those words. Are we trusting when we complain or worry? He's hit me upside the head with this one. So many times we think we are just sharing our burdens with someone or seeking "advice. Honesty check: He bluntly asked me how do you feel after your sharing session? This doesn't mean you can't confide in someone if you need just need to vent or need someone to listen, but know who you are venting to. Too many times we seek for those who will feed our flesh and join in the complaint, instead of running to those who feed our soul and join us in prayer. Know the difference and keep that door closed to the enemy.

I've learned knowing God's plan and knowing His timing are two different things. Sometimes God reveals His plan for our lives and wants us to just trust Him for the timing. Don't jump ahead of God just because you feel uncomfortable somewhere. It may turn out God has you right where He wants you for this season of your journey.  He knows my heart's desire. At some point I finally realized, I was holding on to that piece still and had to let it go. There is a freedom that comes when we let go of what we know our heart desires and we know He has called us to do, and let Him write out the details. We can be focused on making His plan work for our future, that we miss the beauty of His plan of today.

Seasons are changing around us now. Fall is in the air (although this weekend it felt like Winter). I love watching the trees go through the season change. Despite the changes on the outside, the roots and foundation of the tree remain secure. If you have ever watched a Bradford Pear in a wind storm or tornado, you know that the stronger the foundation(trunk) of a tree, the better they can withstand the changing of seasons.  You may be in a season right now where it seems like the leaves are changing colors, but remember with the season changes comes growth. The seasons changing indicate time passing.

This past week I learned the beauty in disconnecting. I know I made God laugh when I complained(whined) about an email and He have the power to fix that. So many times we take on more than He ever intended for us to carry simply because we forget who He made us to be. He made us to live our lives to please an audience of One...Him. When we lose sight of that, our focus shifts and we start to sink.

God has called us all. It may be that you are still trying to find the details of your calling, but be patient. He will reveal them in time. It may be that you have found out what He has called you to do, armor up. The more we see God's view on our day and our lives, the more the enemy tries to throw a rock or hurdle in our path. I am more than convinced that the more we walk in our calling despite the rocks and hurdles, the more the enemy gets nervous. Don't forget that as a child of the Most High, you have the power inside of you to tell the devil to be quiet. Pay attention to the gift of discernment and protect your heart. God has incredible plans in store!

Focused on the journey,

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