Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Heart tonight....

I don't know what your day has been like or even this month, but I know what I've been pushing through and I'm tired. The enemy is on the prowl and just as scripture says he is seeking who he can devour. Doubt, Frustration, Stress all are things that can devour you from the inside out. The enemy may can not touch you directly as a child of the Most High, but look at who is in your daily walk. (and more than that who is in your Daily Talk...but that's a blog for another day). Reactions lead to Feelings which give root to Thoughts. Pull the roots up and plant a new seed, God's doing a new thing. The enemy knows when seed is being planted, and oh how he wants to cover the ground first. It takes some effort to pull the roots up after they have started to grow, but God can do anything when you hand Him control. Don't become so comfortable that you let what the world says about you be what you say about you. Don't become so complacent that you let someone tell you your best isn't good enough for a situation. God knows your heart sweet reader and the journey He planned before you were even born. The closer you get to the top of the mountain the harder the climb becomes, but the view is that much sweeter. There will be rocks that look steep and to your eyes you aren't sure how in the world you are going to get on them, much less to climb them. That's when a hand from above comes and says I've got this just hold on.

God has a way of taking the impossible and making it possible. He has a way of taking a fire and not only bringing you out, but bringing you out without smelling like smoke. The hardest thing to do sometimes is trust Him when you want to react, when you want to feel your way through, and most of all when you feel hurt and want revenge. God said in His word that vengeance is His, He will repay...so let Him worry about settling the score. 

Unfortunately you can't control what others do to you, only how you handle it. If your like me the last couple of weeks(or 32 years), you feel your way through. I'm getting better, but I tend to get mad and cry all within an hour or so. I'm making progress though, because I used to analyze and worry about what I had done wrong etc. This afternoon I broke on the way home to get ready for a God moment. Through the tears was a sweet whisper....You are strong enough. Oh we doubt ourselves so much at what we "think" we can handle, when He really knows what we can take. With that whisper was an amazing since of peace....and one last whisper before I got home(short drive) which just said "You aren't going to be smelling like smoke". We may be in the middle of what feels like a fire, but He's right there beside us. You smell the smoke and even feel the flames, but when you come through it there will not be a smell of smoke on you. You may feel like you are getting burned, but you aren't because He's protecting you. 

You asked Him to make a difference, hold on...the blooms are coming. You can't see the flower until you plant the seed. 

Different kind of blog tonight, but it's my heart after the tears. I knew the brokenness tears were coming and they did on the way home today. He can't bring healing until the band aid is ripped off. (The band-aid coming off is never without some pain, but it is needed for healing to start). I wish I could tell you I haven't been through the mad tears at times this week but I have. I let the words of others play for far longer than they should. God made me to be the me He created, not the me others want me to be. I have tried to play the part that others wish or request, it doesn't work. He knew the me when we started this journey, and He was just fine with me. 

Friday, January 23, 2015

Struggles and Revelations......

You know you are ready for whatever God answers on a prayer when you just want Him to answer. I've been pretty specific with Him this week. I've asked for some revelation on some things, some pieces to the puzzle, some healing to this place that apparently He has ripped the band aid off of. I'll admit the last couple of weeks have been a struggle. I have seen God move in the last couple of weeks, seen Him answer things I didn't even know I had prayed for(love it when He takes care of things..), and been in awe of just how much He loves me. I realized today in the middle of something that would have previously made me analyze myself and get down on myself, but instead of getting discourage I was encouraged. Despite the struggle that today was, I found Him in the struggle. I saw Him through the kids that came through the room at just the right time. The student who previously struggled with Math and today was getting it. Through the student who was focused on completing the task at hand and through the student who said thank you. See I've finally started catching on to the enemy's games. The enemy wants you to be discouraged, doubtful, and analytic. Ultimately he wants to keep your eyes clouded so you can't see God working in the midst of the struggle. The enemy seeks to flip the mirror that you see yourself in over to his side instead of God's. See one side of the mirror lets you see yourself as God sees you, the other side shows you everything else. The choice is yours which side of the mirror you look at. The world has handed you a box. You are always going to struggle as long as you keep trying to fit inside that box. God said I've given you the world, be you. There is a difference in playing the part He has given you to play and playing the part the world would like for you to play.

God's moving and looking to do a new thing in your life. Are you willing to let Him or are you perfectly comfortable staying right where you are? There is a term in the education world known as productive struggle. Sometimes as a teacher we look at a student and everything inside of us says to rescue and give them the answer, but something about them says they are on the right track. So you leave them to work through the process for just a little while longer and at that point, the light bulb comes on and you see a smile sweep across their face. That's how God looks at us as well. He honestly wants to sweep in some days, I'm sure and give us the pieces to the puzzle we have asked Him for,but He stops for our own good. He sees the progress we have made, how the struggle has been productive, and knows that the light bulb moment is coming. Oh how He truly loves us more than we could ever comprehend.

I don't have all of the answers. I'm not even sure I've turned over all of my puzzle pieces just yet, but He knows that. He knew when we started this journey together over twenty years ago just where I would be at this moment. He knew how the day would go and where the week would take me. He knew that my feelings would honestly make me say that's it, but how despite the irritation of the sand I would catch a glimpse of the pearl. Seasons are just that for a season. Enjoy them where you are while you are there. A little piece of wisdom that I had always heard, but today finally saw is no one can make you inferior without your consent. In other words, You have a voice, you make a difference, and He has you where He wants you for this moment (Otherwise He would move you...). You decide what you think and what gets to stay in your thoughts. That is a huge truth to let sink in for a moment. If you let discouragement, doubt, and analyzing settle into your thoughts, you will plant seeds you would rather not reap. Choose to plant seeds on what He thinks about you and the truths that He has promised(regardless of what your feelings tell you.).

I've learned to appreciate the struggle. I've not been perfect through it, but He's patient enough that I'll probably get the chance to re-do part of it again. I'm not as strong as I need to be in some areas, but I'm learning I don't have to be as long as I turn that area over to Him. Just as the classic children's song says He is strong when we are weak. Struggling right now with something? Tell Him about it. I promise He already knows that, but is waiting on you to ask Him for help. He wants to help with everything, so loosen the grip, and release it to the only One who knows how the pieces fit.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Steps, Rocks, and Legacy....(Blog or Bust night)

Oh my I knew as I drove home tonight that it would be a blog or bust night....It's been one of those days. So much on my mind, so many people on my heart, and yet as I stopped and looked at the sunset this evening I had to just smile. God knows I'm a sunset fan. As I was rushing to get into the grocery store so I could hurry and get home, I saw someone outside taking the picture and I stopped and turned around. If that person hadn't been taking a picture I may have missed the sunset view. Our steps are ordered by the One who made us. He knows each step we take, and He knows each dart the enemy has headed your way. He knows that taking a few minutes to send that text in the parking lot may have kept you from the five car pile up you passed on the way home. How looking back on today I truly know how ordered my steps really are. Thank you Lord for taking care of the things we don't always see, for the things you never intended for us to see. Oh how I needed that reminder tonight.

I hate busyness. I'm learning to despise it because the enemy loves it so much. The enemy wants nothing more than to keep us busy in mind and body so we miss the God opportunities that come our way. Oh how I can look back on some days and see just how that mean old devil threw rocks in my path to try and trip me up. Anyways....it's one thing to feel the rock as you step on it moving forward, it's another to stop and look at the rock and let it distract you from the journey ahead. It's also another thing to let the rock cause you to fall and stay down because you feel like it. You may feel the rock, chances are you will, but step on it if you have to and keep moving forward. The more you move away from it the more you will forget how it "feels".

My sweet Nashville family lost their Mamaw yesterday. Oh how my heart hurts for them because I know how much she means to them. I've listened to their stories over the years, seen how she poured into their lives, and watched how they gathered to spend time with her even yesterday. This woman laid a foundation that God used to build souls. A foundation that has created a legacy that continues to give. Her reach far exceeds that little blue house in KY. Her feelings didn't dictate her actions, her love for Jesus did. She loved without question. Oh the lessons we could all learn from her.

I wish I could say I didn't make a mess of some spots today, but I did. He loves me regardless, of this I'm thankful. I'm thankful that I'm not where I used to be, but I am on my way to where He wants me to be. One day I'll make a mess and not get mad at myself in the process. One day I'll move forward quicker than I do today. Until then though I'm thankful that He takes my messy days and finds a message. He takes my days when all I can feel is the sand, and reminds me of the pearls. For if it weren't for the sand that irritates, the pearl wouldn't develop one time. Give Him the things that irritate you and in return He'll give you back pearls one day.

Enjoy the journey! Make your steps count. Don't let the rocks cause you to lose focus, and leave a legacy for others to follow. My heart's desire is to one day hear Him say "Well done". Until then, I'm going to run the race He called me to and be the Me He made me to be. Invest in what He says to sow, and trust Him that one day He will give you eyes to see the harvest. Let Him whisper to you today that He sees the difference you are making, even if no one else does.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

I wasn't looking.....

I wasn't looking for answers to prayers yesterday, but I heard the sweetest whispers from God that left me with tears streaming down my face. Now before you start saying we should always be expecting answers etc.....let me add I wasn't looking for Him to answer while I was scrolling through my FB feed last night. I'm not going to get into the details or specifics right now, but the whispers were precious, on time, and from Him. He took that moment to start writing this blog. (He never wastes a moment that's for sure).

So many times we spend all of our time looking for His answers, that we forget to live in the moment. We should present our requests to Him and then trust Him to answer when His timing is right. The answers will not come when we are ready or just because we are looking for them, but more than likely when we are about His business being still, and listening.  Some times His answers are a neon sign, but some times He speaks in whispers straight to the core of who we are. Whispers that leave us knowing without a doubt that was Him.

Quit looking for answers, tell Him your heart(wants and needs), and then trust Him to answer in His timing(otherwise known as when He knows you are ready not just when you think you are ready).

Sweet readers, God knows your heart. Release the job of working it all out for your good into the hands of the One who already knows how to put the pieces together. Trust Him and walk forward knowing He will answer.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Adjustment Time...

A week into the new year and yep...every goal, plan I had for the year I've messed up on already. I've already strayed off of the path. I made the comment this evening(as I'm trying to massage my neck that man I need an adjustment). This week I transitioned in my chiropractor visits to the once a week, well add to that starting back to work and the cold weather and let's just say I've been feeling it. I went in Monday, but never realized that I would feel like I needed another adjustment this quick. Long story short....pretty sure God had a plan for that "neck pain" I was feeling tonight. Oh how He knows I need a visual sometimes and today apparently I needed a nudge. I was on the comfortable track for 2015. Even though I set out to change things this year, I quickly settled back into my routine and what I knew to be comfortable. God was blunt tonight as I rubbed my neck as He told me it was more than my neck that needed an adjustment. As I pondered that statement I realized how true it was. I had settled back into the comfortable, the ordinary, ignoring that God had said be extraordinary this year. We can get so comfortable in what we are doing that we lose the momentum to change. It takes more than effort to change, it takes drive. We have to be driven to change, driven to make a difference, driven to leave an imprint on the world. Being driven is not a bad thing, it means you are looking forward, pressing forward on to the goal of the prize He has called you to. Being driven means not looking back, but moving ahead. 2015 is going to be a different year, but for that to happen I have to be different. No more letting the same old same old of a routine excuse me out of my blessing. This year is the year to focus on what He has called me to be and to be me. Don't excuse yourself out of a blessing this year. God has a purpose and a plan for each and every minute of the day. What He has called you to do is not what He has called someone else to do. Don't compare callings or crosses, just take up yours and walk toward the calling He has for YOU. Being busy is the quickest way to get nowhere. It's easy to run around doing "stuff" and at the end of the day go what did I accomplish. I know that feeling all too well.

A week of 2015 has passed, but 51 still lay ahead. You may have stuck to all of your plans and goals so far for 2015, if so kudos to you. Stay the course and stay focused on reaching those goals. If you are like me and realizing oops...adjustment needed, then kudos for listening. Make the adjustments He says knowing that each adjustment will bring the final picture into better focus. He holds the flashlight and ahead of each step He sees where the path leads. Trust Him as you walk through this year knowing(and thanking Him) that His mercies are new EVERY morning and the grace He has given you for today is to handle what comes your way today. He'll give you tomorrow's grace, tomorrow. Don't settle for anything less than His amazing best for you this year! Make memories not just check-in's. Make a difference, leave an imprint..not just a status. Let your words and your actions align this year and watch Him use you to change the world around you.

Be Blessed,

Bible Study Thoughts from Luke

Bible Study Thoughts from Luke 1 &2

When I started studying the Bible on my own(not reading a book or a commentary about something, but just simply me and God time), I didn't have a set plan. I started my way through one book and then on to another. Some nights I read one section, other nights it may be more than that. I have notes all through my Bible of just things God reveals as reading. So here are some thoughts from my time thus far in Luke. My hope is to share one of these posts each week, some may be just thoughts and some posts may expand those thoughts. We'll see as He moves.

  • Luke 1:9: all a part of God's plan....He needed Zechariah alone. How does He get you alone?
  • Luke 1: 24 Sometimes when God gives you favor, it's between you and Him for a time. 
  • Luke 1:80: Favor sometimes means a time in the desert for a season....
  • Luke 2: 7: What have you placed Him in because of "no room"? What have you wrapped Him in? 
  • Luke 2:44-45 Where have you traveled thinking He was with you? Back to your first love....God doesn't move we do. Retrace steps and come home! 
  • Luke 2:50: Not everyone will understand when you follow His plan

More to come next week ;-)

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 so far....just some thoughts...

I'm going to be honest....I had fully intended to write a couple of blogs tonight. One was on a couple of my last couple of revelations from my Bible Study time with God and the other was on my words for 2015. Well the enemy is pushing buttons today, so those blogs will come later this week. Apparently I am making the enemy mad already in 2015. I truly think the enemy can sense the shift that is taking place and the alignment that is being set in place. Thank you Lord for revelations and discernment. 2014 God showed me how He saw me. 2015 is my year to walk that out and make a difference by being me. I've spent too much of my time and energy trying to be who others wanted me to be, said I was, or needed me to be for their plan and purpose.  Get in on what He's doing and moving in to place.....I promise you it will not disappoint. I'm including a couple of video links of songs that I hadn't heard until Restoring Hope, but they have gotten in my Spirit since New Year's Eve. Move forward this year knowing that the One who Called you is Faithful and He will do it. Move forward this year knowing that the One who began a Good work in you will bring it to completion. Move forward this year knowing that He calls you Son and Daughter.  Move forward knowing He is working all things for your good. Move forward knowing He gives you strength to run with the eagles and the ability to scale a wall.

Move forward knowing sweet reader that He has you in the palm of His hands. Now get up and do what He has called you to do. Others may not get the calling or even understand it(after all until John the Baptist was born Zachariah wasn't allowed to speak about the word he was given of the child's name...but that's a blog for another day). You know what He told you to do....so get up and do it!

Move forward in 2015,

My God Moments Jar

This was my adaptation to the Blessings Jar idea that is on Pinterest. 

I am truly glad I did this last year. It brought tears and smiles when I finally read through them. I will admit as life got busier towards the end of the year I forgot and would do it by month, but for the first half of the year I did it by the week. I took a post it note or a piece of paper that size and wrote on it throughout the week of things He had done. Prayers He had answered that I had prayed and ones that I hadn't even prayed. Sometimes I think we forget to be thankful for the answers He gives us(even though we didn't know we needed to pray it ;-)). 

I've already started mine for 2015. I'm trying to be more specific and even add some dates when I remember.