Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Heart tonight....

I don't know what your day has been like or even this month, but I know what I've been pushing through and I'm tired. The enemy is on the prowl and just as scripture says he is seeking who he can devour. Doubt, Frustration, Stress all are things that can devour you from the inside out. The enemy may can not touch you directly as a child of the Most High, but look at who is in your daily walk. (and more than that who is in your Daily Talk...but that's a blog for another day). Reactions lead to Feelings which give root to Thoughts. Pull the roots up and plant a new seed, God's doing a new thing. The enemy knows when seed is being planted, and oh how he wants to cover the ground first. It takes some effort to pull the roots up after they have started to grow, but God can do anything when you hand Him control. Don't become so comfortable that you let what the world says about you be what you say about you. Don't become so complacent that you let someone tell you your best isn't good enough for a situation. God knows your heart sweet reader and the journey He planned before you were even born. The closer you get to the top of the mountain the harder the climb becomes, but the view is that much sweeter. There will be rocks that look steep and to your eyes you aren't sure how in the world you are going to get on them, much less to climb them. That's when a hand from above comes and says I've got this just hold on.

God has a way of taking the impossible and making it possible. He has a way of taking a fire and not only bringing you out, but bringing you out without smelling like smoke. The hardest thing to do sometimes is trust Him when you want to react, when you want to feel your way through, and most of all when you feel hurt and want revenge. God said in His word that vengeance is His, He will repay...so let Him worry about settling the score. 

Unfortunately you can't control what others do to you, only how you handle it. If your like me the last couple of weeks(or 32 years), you feel your way through. I'm getting better, but I tend to get mad and cry all within an hour or so. I'm making progress though, because I used to analyze and worry about what I had done wrong etc. This afternoon I broke on the way home to get ready for a God moment. Through the tears was a sweet whisper....You are strong enough. Oh we doubt ourselves so much at what we "think" we can handle, when He really knows what we can take. With that whisper was an amazing since of peace....and one last whisper before I got home(short drive) which just said "You aren't going to be smelling like smoke". We may be in the middle of what feels like a fire, but He's right there beside us. You smell the smoke and even feel the flames, but when you come through it there will not be a smell of smoke on you. You may feel like you are getting burned, but you aren't because He's protecting you. 

You asked Him to make a difference, hold on...the blooms are coming. You can't see the flower until you plant the seed. 

Different kind of blog tonight, but it's my heart after the tears. I knew the brokenness tears were coming and they did on the way home today. He can't bring healing until the band aid is ripped off. (The band-aid coming off is never without some pain, but it is needed for healing to start). I wish I could tell you I haven't been through the mad tears at times this week but I have. I let the words of others play for far longer than they should. God made me to be the me He created, not the me others want me to be. I have tried to play the part that others wish or request, it doesn't work. He knew the me when we started this journey, and He was just fine with me. 

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