Friday, June 26, 2015


I've tried to write multiple blogs over the past couple of weeks and nothing seems to flow out right. There are so many words in my heart, but it must not be time to share just yet. The layers are still being pulled back. Roots I thought I had dug up, I still have to dig up. Doors I have wanted open, I have to walk away from. Things I thought I had surrendered, I had stuffed. How many times do we sing "I surrender All" as an invitation song without thinking about what we are singing? How many times do we ask Him to show us if there is anything? and then listen when He shows and take action on it. We keep asking for Him to open doors, but He keeps waiting on us to do what He's asked us to do. He has bigger things still to come, but He is waiting on us to be faithful with a few things first. Consistency, Discipline, and Focus....all are part of the journey to the promised land. The journey to the destiny and the calling that God has for each of us. Sometimes He waits for us to get to the point that we are so desperate for answers and for that season, that we obey without question. How much quicker could we get to the new season if we would just stay focused in the current season? Obedience steps are between you and Him....but when He shows them to you...the choice then is in your hands, follow to freedom, or continue to do it your way. One leads to stress, one leads to freedom. Freedom is looking in the mirror and finally seeing the confidence He gave you in the beginning. Freedom is looking in the mirror and finally seeing yourself how He looks at you. (I truly think we make Him sad when we stand in front of the mirror and fault find His creation). Does He want us to be healthy? Yes, but He doesn't want us to always look down on ourselves as we condemn ourselves for every pound. (Remember there is NO condemnation from Him)

God's been sowing words, verses that I needed to keep taking the next step. He's moving....choice is yours if you are going to be faithful where He has you or stay focused on the door you keep longing to be opened? Sometimes God's waiting on us to give up our I wish you would's for His today's. He's waiting on us to say whatever and wherever, and then follow with steps as He directs. We can stay still and keep debating what to do and how we want to get there or we can keep moving forward.  There is no way I could put into words just yet every thing He is showing, but for now it must be just for me. There is a calling, there is a destiny out there that is mine for the taking. Faithful with where I am at right now will unlock faithful in the next season.

God is still on the throne, still in the miracle working business, and still speaking into lives each and every day. We limit the power we have as children of the Most High when we put God in a box. Be assured, His plans and purposes will always prevail. If you are not willing to do what He is asking you to do, He will find someone that will. Oh sweet reader if you only realized the power that is within you as a child of the Most High...a prince or a princess. Freedom to tap into that power is yours...the enemy wants you afraid of it, what others will think, do etc. Don't listen to that and move into what He is asking you to do. God's moving, choice is yours get in the flow or stand on the shore.

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