Thursday, May 19, 2016

I called you...

When we are persistent enough to press through to Him...when we are bold enough to say God I'm not moving until you bless me......when get to those point a shift happens.  A shift from what we can see to what we can't see, a shift from how we see to how He sees, a shift from what we call ourselves to what He calls us.

When Jacob wrestled with God, he was bold enough to a point that he told God I'm not moving until you bless me. The woman with the issue of blood, pressed through the crowd ...because she knew she needed a touch...and she persisted until she got it. In Jacob's story, God changed his name....He said you will be called Israel now. God saw what man could not see...and called him by that name. The woman with the issue of blood was called Daughter when she pushed through to the One whom she knew she needed. God called her how He saw her...not as unclean, but as One of His.

Insecurity is a thorn from the enemy that wants to choke out the seed God has sown in you. It can make you doubt your abilities,  your talents, your worth, and even your calling/anointing.  It leads to comparison and competition...instead of celebrating who God created you to be.

The world calls you by your do, but God calls you by your who. If you haven't experienced that moment with Him...where He says...let me show you who you are to me..keep pushing through the mess..He's waiting. Maybe you need Him to remind you of how He sees you again because the world has been screaming at you how it sees you...come boldly before the throne and ask Him.  Are you bold enough like Jacob to get still and stationary until you get from Him what you need? It's yours for the grabbing....

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