Monday, October 17, 2016

Midnight moment

It's almost 1:00...I should be asleep but anyway... Insight into my time with Him tonight.

I am in 1 Kings in my Bible Reading (specifically chapter 18 and 19). Elijah is on Mt. Carmel and God is setting the stage to where there is no doubt that He is the one that shows up. (Hello He rains down fire on wet wood).  Soon after this amazing display of God's power... Elijah takes off running. Fear was in charge of his feet faster than truth could. He takes off and hides in a cave afraid for his life. I can only imagine the feelings going through his mind. I am sure he was anxious, fearful, depressed, worn...and what we would call today burned out. God knew where He was at though...and even through his need to sort out his feelings...God covered and provided for His needs. God gave him some turtle shell behind the wall time... because He knew Elijah's heart and He knew the call on Elijah's life. Some time passes...and an angel says okay enough is's time to get back up. He asked Elijah what are you doing here? (God already knew why he was there...but He needed for Elijah to recognize what took him to that place). Elijah started in with the burnt out worn out servant's answer..  I love how God says... go stand here (He was specific) and wait.. the presence of God is about to pass by. If you have ever felt the presence of strong to where you didn't want to get up, where intelligible words failed to come, where tears flowed.....where you just knew He was right there...That presence can shift any circumstance...not because the circumstance changes but you are reminded who God is period. So Elijah expects the presence in the big things (the earthquake, the wind, the fire)... something Elijah could see ...but God came in the whisper. Something Elijah had to be still, had to be listening for, and had to be open to hearing.... Elijah was ready to receive and hear the whisper because of where he had been that brought him to where he was at. God didn't waste Elijah's run and hide moment...He used it to pour back into His weary worn servant when Elijah got still enough to receive.

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