There is a DC talk that has been playing in my head off and on this week. What if I stumble? What if I fall? What if I lose my step and I make fools of us all? Will the love continue when the walk becomes the crawl...what if I stumble, and what if I fall....
That line about will the love continues when the walk becomes the crawl is the part that has really started to take root. What if readers? Think about that for a second...what if instead of acting like we have never been in a mess, we shared our messes with each other? What if we let those messes turn into the message that God uses to pull someone else out of theirs? What if we were His hands and feet instead of worrying about being His mouth? What if instead of only seeing our part of the body and tending to that, we saw the entire body and took care of that? What if we truly gave trusting that He would give back double, pressed down and running over? What if we let go of the comparison trap and focused on the God walk? What if we let passion dictate our time instead of people pleasing? What if we prayed/pulled other through their mess instead of just walking to the other side and hoping someone else will come by and help?
Let's get real most of those questions could turn into a blog post....but that's not what God has planned right now. He's been using them to me as a redirection of His purpose, not my comfort zone. He's been reminding me of His God-breathed passion for simply being His hands and Feet. He's been reminding me that His promises of giving and sowing and reaping are still true.....the farmer doesn't worry about the harvest once the seeds are planted. However, he does tend to the seed and the ground and takes care of it (I haven't been taking care of me enough lately, but that's a blog for another day). We were not created to only keep giving pouring until we don't have anything left to give. We were made to be a vessel (if you think of the vessel like they used to have in the Bible times...there was never a lid..let that sink in). We were made to receive so we can continue to pour out. It takes time to recharge..hence when God said Be still. I'm the pot typing on the kettle on that, so that will be a blog one day when I learn to sit longer than I am now. This is the year of restoration though and I'm believing for restoration in this area of my life as well....and that's a notice the enemy needs to take notice of now cause the balance is coming back in Jesus name! Moving on....
Don't let the miracle of Resurrection weekend be something you leave in this past weekend. That same power lives on the inside of doesn't matter if you are crawling, walking, or running in that long as you are moving forward. God never said this walk would be an easy one, but He paved the way of how to overcome what's trying to overcome us. I know some of you are reading this right now thinking...yeah but she doesn't know....I truly wish sometimes you could be inside of my head and know the thoughts that I have to hit delete on a regular basis. There are some I quickly delete and others are played longer than they should. I've lived as a stuffer of how I felt for way too long...and God's delivering me from that. My face usually tells how I'm feeling. I said all that to say...I know I'm not real enough some days on these posts, but I get that life is a minute by minute walk some days. I get that the enemy seeks to wear you out and throw every dart he can to try and wound you. I also get that the overwhelmed feeling can cause that anxiety to get out of balance and almost paralyze you. I get that despite how much your soul and Spirit know that God's got this and He's going to take care of everything...(you know those promises we quote in those moments..) that sometimes you just need someone with skin on to come up beside you and say hey ...(and either speak life in you with a word or pray with you about it). I'm learning sometimes praying for someone isn't what they's praying with someone that is going to defeat that battle they are facing. (If you are like me and sometimes feel like you stumble praying in front of others...praying with them via text works too). I'm my own worst enemy and my own worst critic. I give until it hurts....and I'm usually the one that is getting hurt. I'm learning though that until the balance is restored....the safest place to be is in the lap of the One who made me and knows what those tears mean. I've learned that when sleep isn't my friend, His rest is. I've learned that restoration is a process....I've been on this journey for almost two years now....and He's not finished! What if you believed that the best was still to come and went out and loved like He did? God's coming back soon readers...let's be busy about what He has called us to do.
Back to the what if ...what if you gave everything? What if you stopped holding back? (That's a Casting Crowns song...) What if you quit worrying about how it may make you feel and trust that God's going to take care of it in His time? What if you realized the pressing is making you stronger because someone is going to need you to pull them along on this walk? What if you realized that moment is revealing a greater purpose? What if you just got still enough to hear His heart for you this week? Don't walk into this week forgetting all that this weekend has meant.....Miracles, signs, and wonders....greater works will you still do, God's looking for a people, an army who will speak life to what is dry in them, and get up.
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