Saturday, August 6, 2011

Goodbye Summer 2011:(

Thank you Lord for answering my requests for Summer 2011 as small as they may have seemed. I asked Him for a drama free summer(Thank you double for that one!!) and to fit into the next size jeans ;-) I know those both sound like two ends of the spectrum, but that's how my God works. It's been a great summer mixed with work and play and memories to last a lifetime. I saw my childhood crush when I went to Nashville for NKOTBSB and have experienced a new found passion for teaching teachers. I have been blessed to present at 3 locations this summer and I am praying that is just the beginning.

Saying goodbye to Summer 2011 makes me sad though because it means change is just around the corner. I am not a fan of change, but I have found that to grow change is a must. We can't grow stuck in one spot, but that doesn't mean change doesn't hurt. God knows what He has in store for this year and only He knows. You see He has the lid to this school year's puzzle and there are pieces I have still yet to turn over. **Honest side note...I'm scared...I like the pieces I have in my hand and knowing the ones I can see, but those that I still haven't turned over yet, well...just gotta trust Him.**( Being confident in Him doesn't mean you ignore what you are feeling, but you recognize that those feelings don't have to dictate who you are and what you do!). Feelings are a part of your day, but they don't have to dictate your day.

That being said, the turtle will stay out of its shell as much as possible, but there are days when it may hide. I'm still learning to be me regardless of what others think. It will come with time and patience. Just like building up stamina in the gym, it takes time before you can run a mile without stopping. It takes time to run a mile in this race without needing a break. So as I say goodbye to summer 2011 and walk into the new school year, change is in the air and change means getting out of my zone(but at the same time finding my way into His zone). Change will be good, but forgive me when I have my moments...I'll keep the turtle out as long as possible.
Until next time...

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