Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sometimes you just have to stop..........

  breathe...and remember where He has brought you from!

 God knows my heart and He knows I let things get to me more than I should, but some days I wish others believed in some of the same things I do. So the current dialogue at this point is something like, but God it's not fair...(Yep I'm sure it made Him laugh)...I love how He gently reminds me that He never said life would be fair, He never said that things would always go our way, He never said there wouldn't be days where others would get away with things and we would be left to fix it, He never said we wouldn't feel frustrated. The choice is yours on how you react when you get frustrated. Are you going to seek revenge or realize there really isn't anything you can do about it and just deal with the best you can? Trust me the latter is not easy, and by the looks of the way this year has started it must be on my list of things to learn.

God knows how strong you are and He trusts you more than you trust yourself. We want life to be easy because then we don't have to feel the pain it takes to get stronger. If He could somehow implant everything into our heads and we could automatically "get it" then maybe things would be easier, but that's not how He made us. We are individuals and not robots, so a choice is involved. With that choice comes taking a step in one way or the other. One direction, He'll go with you, the other you are on your own(until you run back to find Him). I do believe He wishes the journey could be easier for us, but we are the ones that make it hard.

God knows my heart and He knows I am thankful for the opportunities He has given me. I'm blessed to be starting my 6th year of teaching tomorrow, but with that comes some other feelings and emotions as well. God will take care of it step by step, but I think the turtle may hide for awhile at first. He knows when you need surprises along the way and I promise you He'll take care of the encouragement you need when you need it, if you'll just trust Him. Each day last week I had a "surprise" that made me smile and I ended the week remembering where He has brought me from(that's a blog in itself). So as I enter this new year frustrations and all, some things have just got to roll off on to Him after all He's stronger than I am ;-)

Until next time...........

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