Sunday, November 20, 2011

It's blog or bust time......

Random thoughts:
  • Some people are in your life to lessen the load, others are in your life to be a lesson. Know the difference and save yourself some frustration.
  • Why do we keep asking God to move the mountain or part the sea, but we aren't willing to take the first step? If you stay put(be it in a pity party or whatever), who wins? Take a step forward whether you feel like it or not and see what happens.
  • Don't expect others to do for you what you can do for yourself. In other words...don't have a what about me moment and a why me, if you aren't taking some me time yourself.
  • No one is going to understand you all the time, no one that is but God. Know who you are in Him, crawl up in lap at the end of the day and rest.
  • We are all flesh and that means we all have feelings, it's okay to have one of those days, to have things that make you upset, things you can't fix but wish you could...It's okay!! It's what you do with those feelings afterwards that make a difference. Do you continue to think about what's making you upset? Do you try to fix the things you know aren't yours to fix? Do you get down on yourself when you have one of those days? You know yourself, you know your heart. God's the only other one that does. Trust Him to let it shine through and trust Him to help all of that "mess" make sense. Don't let the "stuff" get  you down, and don't let others help keep you there.
  • Know who is meant to speak in your life and who is not........Not everyone who is in your life is there to change you, maybe you are to there to change them?
  • Do your part and be happy with that. It's all about the seeds you are sowing. If you are doing what God's laid out for you(His plan)...the harvest you will reap will be bigger than you could imagine. (Blog to come about the sower...good stuff).
  • Things happen.......sometimes the only thing you can change or control is how you react.
  • When God parts the Red Sea for you, moves that mountain out of the way, or does something BIG...remember it as you keep walking on this journey we call life. Too many times God moves in a huge way and we head out into the wilderness called life only to forget it and start complaining. He hasn't why are you?
  • Keep your peace even when you know you are right. Better to keep your mouth shut and let the truth come out in time, then to open it and be full of hot air. Keeping the peace makes Him smile, trying to avenge yourself does not. That's His job ;-)
  • Each day on the journey is sweet and memorable. Some make us smile as we go along, some make us smile when they are over. All make us a better us if we will let Him.
  • Know who you are inside and out. Then listen to the truth and let the other stuff go in one ear and out the other. Let Him decide what takes root.........

As you can see there are multiple thoughts/blogs running through my head. Some I will elaborate more on later, others are just random thoughts for the night. Please don't over analyze the thoughts and read more into then what's there. God and I are good. I know I make Him smile most days, some I am sure make Him laugh. I wouldn't trade this unique relationship for anything. I love the fact that He loves me and even likes me. (Think about that for a minute....) I love that He knows me the best and loves me the most. He listens to my vents and my frustrations. He fixes what He can and then helps me deal with the rest. He's slowly helping me to not be so concerned about what other people think or do to me, because it really in the end doesn't matter. Not all of this blog may be for you, but chances are there is at least one of the random thoughts that made you go yep or amen. Smile and let Him take it and run with it in your heart. You'll be surprised what He may write.

I'm not perfect, but I've learned lately who I am in Him and I'm okay with me. Enjoy this Thanksgiving week and be thankful for the YOU He created you to be!
~Until Next time ~

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