That email that made you laugh till you cried, that child who did just what you asked them to, that song that made you smile, that you tube video that reminded you what He had brought you through, and that person who stopped to say you are important. Throughout the "busy" of our day we sometimes over look these little things, but when you stop to look back over the day...were they really little? See sometimes God doesn't always answer our prayers in the big ways we pray. So you asked God to help you keep your peace and He sent you an email that made you laugh till you cried? Made you forget anything that was bothering you now didn't it? So you asked Him to lighten the load and that child did exactly what you asked them to do, you asked Him for a smile and listen what's that....a song that makes you smile from ear to ear. You asked Him to show you where to you are supposed to be...and someone said Only you can do what you do(in other words you do make a difference!).
We are too often focused on the big things. We want to see God answer our prayers in the BIG way. We want the mountain moved out of the way, instead of taking a drink and continuing to climb. Have you ever stopped to think what we would miss if He moved out of the way some of those mountains we were supposed to climb? Climb the mountain now and the next one will seem easier.
Don't go through the day so busy and so preoccupied that you miss those little smiles He's sending your way. Some call them kisses from Heaven, but to me they are smiles. It's the little things sometimes along the way that are His way of reminding you, Yes He cares and Yes He's listening ;-)
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