Saturday, April 14, 2012


God threw away the mold when He made you. He didn't make two molds and He didn't give that mold to anyone else. Stop trying to be the You others expect and just be yourself. Eventually everyone will come around to love you for you and those that don't well, it's okay. Not everyone who is in your life is meant to speak into your life. Be careful who's words you take to heart. Some in your life you are meant to effect, but not vice versa. Affect the world, don't let the world infect and effect you. Be happy with you, I finally am. It only took 29 years and 11 months ;-) I'm happy just taking it one day at a time. If I fall down, I dust myself off and get back up. I'm not perfect, but I'm still moving forward. Those that know me, know my heart. It's not about me, it's about Him. Listen and then DO IT! That's been the key lately. He's got enough just hearing the word, it's time to walk out what we hear and be a doer. I'm on a soapbox I guess tonight. Just tired of some drama that I've let bother me for too long. I'm thankful for those that take the time to know my heart and can see past the times I fall. I love helping others and will continue to do so. Not because of what they can do in return, but because that's what He said too ;-) (It's all about perspective). Do it sweet reader, keep running the race, and when you fall down(and you will), get back up and keep moving forward. It may take you a few minutes before you are strong enough to run again, but you will run again. Keep listening, do what He says and the doors will open. Some days the doors may fly open, some days they may open gradually. Be watching and know when it's God opening the door and when it's you. When God opens the doors, NO ONE can shut them. Those doors match your heart and leave you just in awe of how good He is. Okay I'm done for the night. Just be yourself and love you for you! God didn't make you to fit someone else's mold, He made you to fit YOUR mold. Let's run this race and finish strong!
These two songs have been in my head this week. (Very random too....haven't listened to either in quite some time, but music has a way of getting down deep and being there just when you need it).
Until next time

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