Saturday, April 28, 2012

Weekend Words

Okay it's been a LONG time since my last post, but I've been writing things of another nature. My life has been consumed with IEP's for the last couple of months and I am happy to report I have 3 more before the traditional season is over. Then only new ones to write from here( those really aren't too bad). Needless to say God's been writing some things all the while I've been busy with that, but today is not the day to type everything out. So here's a little Weekend words to carry through until I have time for a new blog ;-). I will say this, as crazy and as stressful as this year has been, I have learned so much about myself, things I need to change, things that I need to fix. For that I count the stress worth it;-)

  • God didn't make you to have Welcome written on your forehead or to feel like you are a big green metal box(dumpster). Sometimes it gets to a point where Christians have to take a stand in love and not continue to be "walked" all over. I've learned take the stand and then move on. Don't hold a grudge, still show love, and leave it for God to take care of/fix.
  • God gives you a dream, but it doesn't always look exactly like you dreamed it would be. So many times we pray for God to give us a mission field or a calling, when He already has. Not everyone is called to do great and mighty things in far off lands or in front of others. Some are called to just love and serve where they are at. That takes time and can be a deep pill to swallow.
  • Everyone wants to know that someone else cares what they do and it matters to them. First things first, you have to care about what you are doing and it needs to matter to you. That matters more than what other people think, because God's looking at the heart. He's not looking for a show, He's looking for a solo just for His audience of One.
  • Sometimes the mountain is in front of you, not to see if you have the strength to climb, but to see if you have the faith to move it. #gottalistentoHim
  • What you sow today, may be what you eat tomorrow. Be careful. The law of sowing/reaping is a Biblical truth. You will reap what you sow, so sow wisely and lovingly. You can't sow manure and expect to grow roses. 
  • The greatest critic you face is looking at you in the mirror every day. Know who He says that you are and what He thinks about you, it makes ignoring what the world says so much easier.
  • You are responsible for you. As the old saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. You can dunk his head in the water trough even, but it's still his choice whether or not he drinks.
  • Life is meant to be enjoyed and to be balanced. Frustration comes when you get out of balance, recognize it early enough and save yourself some trouble. Some days you just need to buy a new pair of shoes ;-)
There is more still to be written, and it will come soon. If you are local, there is a women's conference at Bethlehem Baptist Church next Saturday. Message me if you want more details. I'm leading two sessions, one for special needs mom's and the other for just parents looking for help for their children with school work etc. Enjoy this day, believe in yourself as much as He does, and let go of what others think. Trust God to give you favor with those you need it and for Him to work it all out. Do your part, and leave the rest to Him. You can change you and you are in charge of you. Other people will have to answer one day for what they did, so don't worry about what you can't change. Just be the best YOU you can be.

Until next time,

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