Friday, June 8, 2012

I'm a part.....

I am a part of all I have met ~Alfred Lord Tennyson

I first heard this quote when I was in my 11th grade English class. I didn't know then that it would still be something that would resonate within me today. This time of the year is always a time for looking back, but with turning 30 I guess I've been doing memory lane more than usual. If you are on my FB, you may have picked up on that. I guess I've also realized that sometimes even the smallest things may make the biggest difference. What we see as a small gesture, a word in passing, or just being there may not be small to the other person. When you are doing what you are supposed to do, it's not small. It may seem small, it may feel small, but God can multiply what you do just like He did the loaves and fish. We all have pieces in our lives that make us who we are. Sometimes you may need to show the pieces that helped get you to where you are(especially for people you meet later on in life). People that have known you for awhile have seen the pieces come together.

You are a part of all you have meet, whether you realize it or not. As a teacher, I've realized that more each year. I was blessed to grow up with some amazing teachers. They demonstrated to me what it was like to not only teach, but to care. Their example is what I try to emulate each day. Some days you get bogged down with paperwork and what's expected, that I'll admit it's hard to see if all the time is worth it. It is, may not seem like it at the moment, but it is. Some God calls to run the race where they can hear the cheers along the road, some of us have a race where we not see/hear the cheers until we get closer to the finish line(Those are the moments when I hold fast to the verse about our rewards being in heaven). Watching some amazing young people graduate this year reminded me, the little things do make the difference. The teachers I had in school were in it to make a difference(I went to a private school so they had to be, because it wasn't for the money), they wanted to be there. They had learned it was about creating those ripples though. They knew that they were there to teach and impact our lives for the time that we were at Madison Academy and today they are reaping some of that harvest. They may not see it, but every student has grown up to do something and is reaching others. 

I can look back and see some amazing doors God has already opened. Some friendships that are God sent, some paths that crossed that only God could have crossed, and some moments that have shaped who I am. I saw this year that when you(your personality, who you are) is split in half, it's hard to stay focused. Last school year was a struggle for me in so many ways, but it taught me SO many lessons. Some of which you have read on the blog. I often felt like I was doggy paddling, struggling to get to shore, and wanting someone just to throw me a life raft so I could float to shore. The bumps in the road, the scrapes from the fall, and the exhaustion from running are all things that help shape us to be that person God made us to be...IF and only IF we will let them. We can be like a stubborn child intent to do it our way and follow our feelings, but it will only keep us frustrated. We can choose to do things  His way, follow the rules, and trust Him to lay it all out. Sometimes His way may be the road less traveled, but it will make all of the difference. I've learned(more on another blog to come later), that God will take care of the reward, God is a God of order and not chaos, and God has a set of rules(game plan) for a reason. Sometimes our lovely flesh does not understand when others get away with things that are 1.) are either breaking the rules 2.) not following the rules 3.) not doing anything but getting all of the credit/accolades. God will help you understand when it's time and He will take care of the reward, all He asked you to do was to follow the rules, do what you know its right, and stay the course. The right road is never the wrong road even if it doesn't feel like it's the right road. Trust doesn't always mean you can see the next step, but you know who has the flashlight ;-)

I'm not perfect. I have several scrapes and bruises from along the journey. Some have left scars, but I've learned a lot in a short amount of time. Things that I thought mattered, don't really matter any more. The true test is not who wins the race, but who keeps getting back up when they miss the hurdle. God's not looking for someone to finish first, He's just calling us all to finish. God made you special. He didn't use a cookie cutter to make you. He made you one of a kind. Those pieces that have come together to take you to the point you are now, have helped make you who you are. Don't apologize for things that are a part of you, forgive yourself when you do fall down, and remember there are things that only you can do. Run your race smiling and knowing that you are making a difference doing what you do!

~Until next time

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