- Sometimes the best players are the ones sitting on the bench. Until you give someone a chance, you may never know who can score the winning point or make the pass that wins it all.
- Put "it" in His hands and then walk away. Be careful which way you are walking ;-) so many times we put it in His hands and then run back to where we just came from, when we need to keep moving forward trusting that He's got it.
- The best thing to do sometimes is to just to stay quiet(but it is also the hardest).
- Actions last longer than words. Let them speak for who you really are.
- Do what you know is right REGARDLESS of what anyone else does. So many times we worry about what others are doing that we forget to stay focused on what we are called to do. We are only responsible for ourselves and what we do represents our integrity.
- Are you frustrated, stressed, overwhelmed? Take an inside and look and find out where you are out of balance. Could it be that you have lost your focus? (Note: We lose our focus when we take our eyes off of God and what He's called us to do and place it on what others are doing).
- Let God lead your investments. Time is one of the most precious things we have. Spend it wisely. Be leery of people who only want you to invest in them, but have no desire to invest in you at any point in your relationship. These investments have their place, but good things are not always God things. Let God lead you to those investments and He will be the one who invests back in you.
- So you have a mountain in front of you, good ;-) God has one of two things in mind, both require Him all the way. It may be a mountain for you to climb or a mountain for you to move. Each one requires a different type of strength and power that is already inside of you.
- Get victory over the little things and watch the bigger things fall into place. If a cookie has power over you, what does that say? (In other words you can put it down and walk away). Have a little faith and trust.....God loves to work when you have no idea how it's all going to come together.
- Believe in yourself and remember who you are in Him. God has special talents and abilities inside of you. He has called you to do things only you can. Listen to Him and walk where He says to walk, otherwise that 11 day journey may take 40 years. Be who He has called you to be and not what others may want you to be. Trust what His word says, that He will give you the words to say when it is time. Don't speak out of pride or spite, but when your voice needs to be heard(those moments in your gut when you know you should speak, but fear says what will others think), is the time to let Him speak through you. Trust me, looking back now I've missed several opportunities to let my voice be heard all because fear told me I had nothing worthy to say.
Until next time,
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