Sunday, November 4, 2012

Making a difference........

Pretty sure God just smiles or may even laugh when we so sweetly pray, God I just want to make a difference. I know I've said it more than once ;-)

Whether you realize it or not, you make a difference each and every day. Sometimes it may be a positive difference and sometimes it may be a negative difference. Let that sink in, it took some time for it sink in for me. So in a way God is answering that prayer to make a difference, you my friend are deciding what kind of difference that will be. Sometimes to that positive difference, you have to ignore what others are saying. You have to move forward when everyone else seems to be standing still. You may even have to go a different route than EVERYONE else to stand up for what(or who) you believe in. Your head will tell you to go the route everyone else does, to live at the norm, or to just do whatever you feel like doing. Your heart on the other hand hears truth. Your heart knows which road to take, how to live above the norm, and to go against your feelings.

As Dr. Seuss would say, Today is your day you are on your way.

What difference are you going to make today? Are you going to be the one who sows that seed in someones life or are you going to to be the one who causes that seed to not take root? God has a plan for you that is  beyond your wildest imagination. The devil also has a plan for your life as well, and it is to WEAR you DOWN and OUT. If the enemy can keep you defeated, frustrated, and not productive, he's won. So on those days when life throws it all at you, remember God stands ready to catch it all. Breaking points will come, but God will always be there for each and every cry along the way home. He knows why you do what you do and despite what ANYONE else may say or do, He is smiling. Let yourself off the hook, you can never do it all, and it will never all be perfect, but God sees why you do what you do. His smile is the only one that matters. Keep focused and push past the pain. Endurance will develop eventually(at least that's why He keeps telling me ;-)).

Just wanted to end with this song that has ROCKED my world lately. What are you waiting for today?

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