Friday, December 28, 2012

Just thinking.....

Yes I've been at the beach, so I that means time to think. I had work I needed to work on, but you know sometimes life just needs to slow down or stop for awhile and let you catch up. I've been thinking about 2013 and everything that a new year encompasses. I may actually write out some "goals" this year. (No they are not resolutions, but goals of things I want to do this new year). Sometimes writing things out helps you stay focused. 2012 has been a learning year, but it has also been a growing year. I've learned a lot about who I am and where I want to go. In that learning, I've learned that there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. When God shows you the difference, get up and shut the door. In other words, if you allow people to take advantage of you...they will. Regardless of how big your heart is, not everyone wants what is best for you, but wants what you can do. You have gifts, opinions, and talents that are unlike those of any others. If you keep the lid on your box, just because someone said to, who have you hurt? Not the others, but yourself. God didn't make you to keep a lid on everything He has given you. It would be like giving someone a present on Christmas and telling them they can open it and look at it, but never take it out of the box. It doesn't work that way. Life is what you make it. A lot will not like you, it's your decision how you respond. Do you let their opinion mess with what yours or do you keep going and doing what you know He's called you to.

The drive down to the beach was wonderful. There is something about a peaceful drive, with just your music and God. He started writing the 2013 theme for me which will be a blog after I get home. I love God's sense of humor and the way He really does "get" us. More to come on that later as well....I'm looking forward to my drive home tomorrow. The break has been nice, but I'm ready to be home(even if it is cold). I'm ready to see and listen for Him to write more on this radical to be radiant word that He started last week. I'm excited about the new year, excited about the new day. It is what you make of it. You decide what your schedule is full of and you decide how you view it/look at it. If I've learned anything this year, it is the simple truth....I have a voice and an opinion. Those that I want to listen may not always, but that doesn't mean I don't need to speak it. If I'm patient, God will take the fish bowl I've been in and turn it into an ocean. Sometimes we keep praying for a door to open and God has a whole other hall in mind. I've also learned there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. Serve/Love because He said to, not because someone else wants you to. I've also learned its okay to be there to listen, but learn who is going to listen to you as well. Do what you can, and then when you have done it all....stand back and watch the One who can do it all do only what He can do.
More to come in the next couple of days....Getting excited about the blogs to come and what's in store. #radicaltoberadiant

~Until next time,

Sunday, December 16, 2012

From my heart...

Not the blog I thought was coming, but after the events of Friday....well it is a blog or bust night.

My heart goes out to the those affected by the tragedy in Connecticut, to the families, the teachers, and the entire community. It's a loss no words can comprehend.

I know what it is like to have presents under the tree and find out the person they were for isn't coming home.  While not a parent myself, I do know what it is like to feel the need to shield and protect the kids you have been entrusted with or the ones who may just be sitting next to you when something happens. I know what it is like to look at something that has rocked your world and go God what are you doing. So many people throughout this weekend have questioned where was God on Friday and why didn't He stop things before they happened. Please hear me when I say this, we live in an evil world and it is only going to get worse. Can I say why God didn't stop things on Friday? No I wish I could. That's just one on a growing list of why questions for God. That's where faith and trust come Him. When you can't see what He's doing and where He is at, you have to trust His heart. I promise you this, My God was all over that school Friday if not there would have been even more tragedy.

I've been reading posts on social media outlets this weekend and my heart hurts for more than just the families in Connecticut. People have made posts some out of grief or just shear not thinking, but it has exposed the true issue at hand....their heart. God sees our actions, but He cares about our heart. His word has and always will accomplish what it set out to do and somehow in the midst of all of this sorrow, grief, and just sheer tragedy good will come. As anyone who has ever lost anyone close, you know it takes TIME, and more time before you have the ability to see through His eyes and see how He has used something so evil for good. (Remember Genesis 50:20). Does it make the pain go away any quicker, why no? I am well aware of that. It's times like these where you have to decide what you are going to do with your questions(whys), your tears, your brokenness etc. I've seen both sides of this. I've watched someone who lost someone close to them, take their questions, tears, and brokenness and give it to God to use as only He could. I've also seen someone who let those questions, those tears, and that brokenness and let it eat away at them and drive them further away from the One who can heal. There is a vast difference in outlook and life between the two. God didn't say it would be easy, but He really does want to be the One that dries your tears.

I've also read posts addressing prayer taken out of school etc. Yes the government messed up when they took prayer out of school, but that was only the beginning. The list of rules and regulations and dos/don'ts that have come since then is just plain ridiculous. Hence the need for more Christian teachers to take a stand. I've heard the old adage that as long as there are tests in school there will always be prayer in school, while the same is true for Christian teachers and prayer. While the stand we may take is silent, I can assure you there is prayer still in school. We can't initiate it, but we can take our requests to God throughout the day. I think too many times we look at prayer as closing our eyes and bowing our heads, but it is so much more than that. It really is just like talking to yes throughout the day there are teachers praying, not out loud but silently in their hearts. You don't hear about it because it's between them and God. It's one of many things teachers do that you don't always hear about ;-) (buying lunches, Christmas presents, conversations spent just listening to parents talk just to name a few etc.). My prayer each and every day is to just live it for Him. He'll put people and situations in your path to love and be a light for Him. Love is a language all can understand.

God gave me a word earlier this school year (when I was asking a why question no doubt), He said to love them. Love them like He loves me. Love without question, Love with grace, and Love with forgiveness. Love with His love. That's a blog for another day though ;-)

So many of you reading this may be feeling fear and wondering what tomorrow may hold. Well I can't tell you what tomorrow holds either, but I can tell you who holds tomorrow. If I've learned anything this month it is that we can plan all we want, but He directs our steps.(It's a lesson I've had repeated every couple of years). We can make plans and God encourages that, but in the end we still have to place those plans in His hand and just follow His next step. I don't know the details about your tomorrow(or mine ;-)), but if you are a Child of His...I know He's got you. He knows what time you will get to work, the traffic you will encounter, the people you will meet tomorrow, and the ones who will need you. He also knows how you are going to feel tomorrow. He knows your heart and the fears that you  have.  The quicker you give fear over to Him, the faster faith can take over. When fear knocks at your door, let faith answer. Fear is always going to be around, that is the world we live in, but faith is there too for those of us who are children of the Most High.

So walk into tomorrow, trusting Him with your fear(and other feelings), and having faith that each step you take will be ordered and covered by Him.

Live each day for your audience of One! Don't let a moment slip by without giving it your all, without telling those who you love how much they mean to you, and most of all knowing that He has you in the palm of His hand regardless of what the world throws at you.

Until next time,

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I've learned....

I wish I could pick a title for this one other than I've learned....that would mean I had only one thing to write about and one focus, but sadly not true. One thing I can say about being in the fire is, if you cooperate, eventually you start to see His reflection instead of your own. I've learned(the hard way) what dying to the flesh feels like, what biting your tongue when you want to say something back, about just doing what He says to do regardless, and about knowing that His plans are always higher and His plans always win.

I've learned that the knife in your back always hurts, but enough knives get stuck in and you start to give it over to Him a lot quicker. He didn't say we wouldn't feel hurt, but He did say He would use it all for our good!!  Again, His plans are always higher....may as well do it His way ;-)

I've learned that I've been Martha too long, I'm liking Mary more and more. Doing things for God is never wrong until it replaces being with God. Take the time to be with Him, and watch what you can do with the strength and the overflow He gives you! God's just beginning to do things and I'm ready to see where this next year goes.  Stay focused on the job/talent/gifts He has given you and just do what He has called you to do and be who He has made you to be period.

I've learned that boundaries are a good thing. Love everyone, but be careful who you let affect you. Also learned a BIG lesson(the hard way)...God has given you gifts and talents...Recognize them, use them when He gives you a chance, but stop giving them away just so others can use them to advance themselves. You have things that only you can do, helping someone is one thing, but when they take your idea and use it for their own......learn the lesson and MOVE on. Lesson being...go through the doors He opens, cause if you keep trying to open them on your own....He'll let you see what's behind the door.

Moving forward, God's got this and lesson learned the over the last week and half especially....only He knows what THIS is ;-)

Until next time,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Conversation with God...

If you are on my Facebook, you know my weekend has NOT gone according to my plan. It's been one of those I'd rather forget about just to be honest. That being said, after I got done with my pity party(Yes I was entitled to one) and put things in perspective, God and I had a LONG talk last night. I was rather blunt and asked Him why more than once. We all get to those moments. We ask God why...its usually then hopefully we realize His plans are not always our plans. I learned a long time ago this truth, but apparently I forget it from time to time. God knows what He is doing, our job is simply to trust Him and follow His lead. Things are going to happen to us, that is the world we live in I'm afraid. Life is not going to be a bed of roses or always go how we think it should. We will have bumps in the road and sometimes those bumps may knock us down. His hand will always be there to pick you back up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward. See the enemy wins if you stay down, the enemy wins if you keep thinking about what happened instead of moving forward. Standing still and sitting down are two separate things, but that is a blog for another day. So here's a glimpse into my conversation with Him last night.

Me: God, why did the deer have to come out when it did Friday night? I didn't really have time for that to happen.
God: Sweet daughter, If you had been a few seconds faster or the deer a few seconds slower, the damage would have been much worse to you and the car. I kept you safe that night, yes it may inconvenience you some, but this will only make you stronger. Remember I know what you can handle and how strong you really are. Just trust me.

*side note: I learned after the bus wreck a new definition of safe. Safe doesn't mean you may not end up with some bumps and bruises(or your car may not), but it does mean you will walk away knowing God took care of you and did what only He could do.

Me: God, why did my tooth have to mess up this weekend?? Dentist had said to watch that spot, but couldn't we watch it a little longer ;-)
God: Well, sweet princess, the tooth was going to mess up in 3 weeks but I thought you would rather take care of it now before you go to the beach.

Me: God that's two BIG things in one weekend....
God: Yes child I know. Remember all of that favor from over the summer and the opportunities that allowed you some extra income. Remember how I said to save it, well see I knew this weekend was coming and that you would need it. You did what I asked, so now even though you have been hit with two big things, you are at peace.

Me: God I'm sorry for complaining and having a pity party
God: Oh sweet girl, I know your heart. You were letting feelings have their way for a little while. I knew you'd come climb up in My lap and ask me what was up. I know you feel like you have a lot of stress coming from different directions, but remember I know your heart. You are stronger than you think you are and regardless of how you feel, you can handle much more than you realize. Keep doing what you are doing, trusting even when you don't feel like it, and letting Me remind you that I see you as princess always.

Me: I love you God
God: I know sweet girl, and I love you too...always

Sweet readers-I don't know what you have going on in your life right now. December is a month full of parties, memories, and just being busy. Don't forget about the reason for the season. I know that sounds cliche, but don't forget about the love He gave and share that love with others. We spent November being thankful, let's spend December giving. Stay in the word, there is truth to be found and amazing revelations that only come from Him. Take time to let Him pour back into you, God has things to show you, it's up to you to listen with your heart and look through His eyes! Thank you for letting me share.
Until next time