Friday, December 28, 2012

Just thinking.....

Yes I've been at the beach, so I that means time to think. I had work I needed to work on, but you know sometimes life just needs to slow down or stop for awhile and let you catch up. I've been thinking about 2013 and everything that a new year encompasses. I may actually write out some "goals" this year. (No they are not resolutions, but goals of things I want to do this new year). Sometimes writing things out helps you stay focused. 2012 has been a learning year, but it has also been a growing year. I've learned a lot about who I am and where I want to go. In that learning, I've learned that there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. When God shows you the difference, get up and shut the door. In other words, if you allow people to take advantage of you...they will. Regardless of how big your heart is, not everyone wants what is best for you, but wants what you can do. You have gifts, opinions, and talents that are unlike those of any others. If you keep the lid on your box, just because someone said to, who have you hurt? Not the others, but yourself. God didn't make you to keep a lid on everything He has given you. It would be like giving someone a present on Christmas and telling them they can open it and look at it, but never take it out of the box. It doesn't work that way. Life is what you make it. A lot will not like you, it's your decision how you respond. Do you let their opinion mess with what yours or do you keep going and doing what you know He's called you to.

The drive down to the beach was wonderful. There is something about a peaceful drive, with just your music and God. He started writing the 2013 theme for me which will be a blog after I get home. I love God's sense of humor and the way He really does "get" us. More to come on that later as well....I'm looking forward to my drive home tomorrow. The break has been nice, but I'm ready to be home(even if it is cold). I'm ready to see and listen for Him to write more on this radical to be radiant word that He started last week. I'm excited about the new year, excited about the new day. It is what you make of it. You decide what your schedule is full of and you decide how you view it/look at it. If I've learned anything this year, it is the simple truth....I have a voice and an opinion. Those that I want to listen may not always, but that doesn't mean I don't need to speak it. If I'm patient, God will take the fish bowl I've been in and turn it into an ocean. Sometimes we keep praying for a door to open and God has a whole other hall in mind. I've also learned there is a difference in loving/serving and being a doormat. Serve/Love because He said to, not because someone else wants you to. I've also learned its okay to be there to listen, but learn who is going to listen to you as well. Do what you can, and then when you have done it all....stand back and watch the One who can do it all do only what He can do.
More to come in the next couple of days....Getting excited about the blogs to come and what's in store. #radicaltoberadiant

~Until next time,

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