Saturday, April 27, 2013

You are an orginal!!

Taking a break for paperwork...He started writing and it is so real...well someone else may need to hear it too.

This is another reality check so to speak ;-) Be who He made you to be regardless of what people say!! I'm tired of what other people say and the box other people try to put me in affecting what I think of me. Know this....once you find out who you are in Him, once you get that footing and start standing in the confidence of the call He gave you and what He can do through you...LOOK OUT! The enemy will use everyone and everything he can in order to knock you down. The enemy wants nothing more than for you to go back to doubting yourself and what you can do. So what does he do to try and knock you down? Well.... he may send people in your path who do nothing but compare you to other people, make sure your schedule is so busy that you feel nothing but overwhelmed, stressed, and have no time left to take care of yourself or spend time with God, or he could just try to make sure you hear nothing but negative all day.

Be who you are!! Be who He made you to be and know that regardless of what others say or who they compare you to...God has a unique plan just for you and He is going to use you!!

This is has been a stronghold all year for me, but I feel like this week I have slowly begun to break free from it. Let's be honest, eventually you get to a point where you just tell God break it off...whatever is keeping me from running this race right now...break it off. This is what it happened to be. I've been compared to others so much this year in an area of my life that it is just sad. Sad for me because I let it get to me and sad for them because they have missed out on seeing who I really am just because I'm not the one they wanted. Others, as well meaning as they may be, will put you in a box if you let them. (TRUST ME ON THIS ONE)....I finally got the lid off of it this week. The only box you should stay in is the one God has planned, but guess what sweet reader...God will not put you in a box. He made this journey for you to enjoy, for you to run the race with courage. You can't run if you are in a box.

Forgetting what is behind, I press on to the high calling! Be careful who you listen to and who you let speak into your life. The word says to test every Spirit...not everyone in your daily life will support the you God has called you to be. Bloom where you are planted while you are there and trust that He will move you on. Sometimes we are in places in order to break some things off so we can continue running the race. How long we stay put determines how long it takes for us to break it off.....Break it off and run sweet reader!!! I'm ready are you?

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