I've decided that from time to time you may see a post titled this "From the pages of my heart". The posts will have meat, but it will be woven within just what I said...my heart. I have previously called these "Just thinking" posts, but I feel like it is better said with from the pages of my heart. So here goes this one :-)
I've been stepped on, questioned, looked over, and made to feel like I am two inches tall way too much. Why do I take things so personal and let what I do impact how I see me? Only God knows. I climbed the mountain of people pleasing and there sat the feelings mountain. I'm convinced that is not a mountain I can climb. See some mountains are meant for us to climb, some are meant for God to move, and some He means for us to go through. I have asked, begged, implored Him to move this mountain. I'm tired of being hurt and having people look down on me. He finally said, this is a mountain you are going through. I did have to ask Him why. See sometimes the lesson is not taught until we walk through it. Can you imagine the Israelites crossing the Red Sea? Would they have still felt the same way if God hadn't parted the Red Sea and simply took them around the Sea? No when we go through something, it is for God to yet again show out as only He can. So through the mountain we go.
At some point, you have to separate your who from your do. Your do is your job etc., your who is who you are. Sometimes we get the two mixed up and let our do make us feel bad about ourselves. Keep doing what you are doing and pressing forward with Him. The law of sowing and reaping is biblical and His word never returns void. Be faithful with what He has called you to do and one day, He will put you in charge of a much larger thing. For years I prayed for God to give me favor and opportunities within a certain aspect of my life. Over the past couple of years, He has begun to open door outside of the inner circle for that part of my life. I finally started to see, I had been praying for God to move in my fish bowl and God was giving me an ocean to swim in. God will always answer our prayers, just not in the way we necessarily expect Him too. When He gives you the ocean, move on from the fish bowl. One day you will turn that puzzle piece over, the one that you have tried so hard to squeeze into a certain spot, and realize it doesn't fit the puzzle you were trying to put it into.
God has given everyone talents and abilities. If you are doing what He has called you to do, people are going to question and attack you. Not because they realize what they are doing, but because the enemy is using them to fire away at the target on your back. My heart is huge, that's a part of who I am. I can see the good in most and I look at people as more than just a number. I asked God for the ability to see others through His eyes, and let me tell you that has not been easy. While my flesh gets frustrated with the way someone has treated me, my Spirit sees the bigger picture. Does it make things easier? Not yet. My flesh still gets me in trouble and my mouth wants to run to the defense of me, but that's not something I can do. This is bigger than me, so I must defer to the One who can handle anything that comes His way. One day I will respond with just my Spirit and not my flesh, but I'm a work in progress.
The task that has been set before me this year is one of impossible proportions. My God though likes to work when things are impossible. I've seen Him do it more than once, the only difference this time is it is a journey not a sprint. The impossible times before have been short sprints, one where the deadline/end time was in the near future. This year the impossible task is a little more lengthy, and more of a marathon instead of a sprint. God's got it though, He just has to keep reminding me of that over and over.
If have learned something on this first leg of the journey, it is this....I am thankful for those who see me for me and love me that way. I'm thankful for those who have taken time to get to know me. Not the me I try to put on for others to play the part they have requested, but the me that is who I am. I'm tired of wearing masks just so someone will be happy. I'm tired of people trying to fit me in a box that meets their expectations. I am who He says I am...not anyone else. I am a Princess of the Most High. I first had that encounter when I worked at WorldSong and I have never let go of that precious truth....I am a Princess because my Daddy is the King of Kings. I'm someone who grew up with incredible examples of teachers who cared. These were teachers who were there because they wanted to be and who saw us as who were, not just a number. I grew up with teachers who took time to get to know their students and to build that relationship that made us want to do well in their classes, because we knew they cared about us. That was the foundation I had and why I wanted to be a teacher. I felt God calling me to the public school system to be that kind of teacher to my students. That is why I do what I do and why I care the way I do. I've been at this teaching journey for 8 years now. I do not by any means know everything there is to know, but I have learned more than some will ever realize. I read and research what I do not know, and I find ways to apply what I learn. I then take and share that with others through my Professional Learning Network. Why did I say all of that...because I am a teacher too. I may not have a classroom of my own, but I have expertise that some will never tap into because they have labeled me and cannot get past the label. Lesson in that: Every person has something to offer, take time to listen and you may just learn something new. Labels are for food products to tell you what's inside. Labels are not meant for humans, because it takes time to know what's on the inside. I am someone who has seen God move in her life in ways that I can't put into words. My relationship with God has developed so much over the last 15 years that I still look back with mouth wide open. I've seen Him take two of the worst days of my life and use it for my good. I've seen Him build relationships that I still thank Him for daily. I've seen Him take a little girl who spent a good part of her life being a Martha, develop into someone who just wants to sit at His feet and be a Mary. I've learned to quit looking for Him in the earthquakes, and to treasure His whispers. I'll share some more on those moments along the journey in later from the heart posts.
This blog went longer than expected, but I hope you were able to take a peek inside my heart for just a few minutes. I am so much more than what you may see. Thank you to those that have taken the time get to know the real me. You are a part of this incredible journey and I am grateful for you. To those who haven't, I've learned you are a part of this journey as well. For God has used you to rub off these rough edges, to continue to burn off some flesh, and to refine me until He can see His reflection. I do not fit in a box, God doesn't work like that. I know who I am in Him and the next part of this journey looks to be amazing! Together He and I are going through this mountain and I can already see through to the other side.
Until next time,
Enjoy the journey!