I have been guilty of saying this more than once this school year. Honestly until my quiet time this morning, I didn't feel bad about it. I just chalked it up to the mood of the year and the situations I can't change. WELL....apparently God didn't care too much for this statement coming out of my mouth. He was blunt and matter of fact this morning and I had a two and half hour drive to listen even more. His message was clear: It may be what it is, but you are who I say you are. Ouch...that one hurt.
Situations are what they are. You are responsible for you. You can't change what someone does to you, says to you, or doesn't say/do to you. You decide how you respond. Are you going to let it hurt you? offend you? anger you? As hard as it is, we tend to take things way too personal and not recognize that our enemy is not one we can see. The enemy will use anyone he can to achieve his purpose. If he can keep you down on yourself, frustrated, and feeling like you can't do anything right....he has won. So it may be what it is, but you are Who God says You are. There will come a point on your journey where you encounter a situation/season where you can't change anything. You just have to go through it. God has a purpose in that season. Do what He says, so the season will end, a new one will come. Seasons do not last forever, but it will be hard to recognize the new one if we are so focused on staying in the old one.
God has a plan and a purpose for everything. He knows what hurts you, what makes you upset, what angers you, and what makes your heart sad. He will not let a tear, a sigh, or a moment where you have to count to ten go unnoticed. All He wants is for us to let Him in on it before we let it affect us.
Please understand I am by no means perfect and have this all figured out. I'm just sharing where I'm at on my journey with Him. I make plenty of mistakes and some days I wonder if I haven't crept back over that mountain again. I've asked Him to move and do His thing as only He can, I've done all I can do. He may have to keep pushing me through it at some point, but the lessons and the moments with Him have made the fire worth it. His word never returns void and what He has promised will come to pass. I'm just waiting on Him to let me unwrap the gift and to be able to show it to others. The time is coming, and apparently this is the lesson that will push me to mastering self control and patience.
Be happy with who He says you are. The box others try to put you in, is not from Him. He threw away the box when He made you because He desires freedom and a relationship. God has made us all special, take some time find out what He says you are.
Until next time.......
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