This has been a week that probably should have multiple blogs coming from it, but I'm going to try and focus on just one for now. The enemy is not going to win this battle. He's just not. Apparently I scare him and make him uneasy. Why else would he try to do everything he could to throw me off course?
The enemy can't touch a Child of God, but he can get to you through people around you. He can use those people to cause you to doubt yourself, to feel discouraged, to feel like you can't make a difference, and to just have a good ole pity party. If you open the door and let those thoughts play in your heart and mind, he's won. The enemy can use your feelings and emotions to paralyze you to where you are no heavenly good. That's his goal otherwise he would just ignore you and move on.
The enemy will try and what he throws at you may knock you down for a minute, make you cry, and make your heart feel like it is broken. Take a deep breath, throw this on God, delete those thoughts, and stand up. You may not feel like moving forward just yet, but in time you will and before you know it you will be running this race again. Where we mess up is that we don't hit delete quick enough and we don't throw it on God as early as we should. We let others words and/or actions play around in our mind and heart until we feel defeated and broken. Accept God's grace, delete the words of the enemy, and listen to His truth. Then and only then can you stand up and move forward. God will use the attack to make you stronger. He will open your eyes to people around you who are stepping on you and who the enemy may be using to keep you down. Trust what He shows you, write those truths on your heart, pray for them, but be on guard.
So where is all this coming from? Well the enemy has been after me this week. In fact, it is almost like he has attempted to launch an all out war. See he loves to throw it at you one right after another. His goal was to keep me defeated and discouraged....guess what he's a liar by the way and does not win. See I know who I am in Christ. Yes, I have felt broken by the events of the week, but it has not crushed me. My feelings have been hurt and the knife in the back has been turned, but God is bigger than all of that. See only God can take what the enemy means for evil and turn it around for His good. Only God can take those moments when you feel two inches tall due to others words and actions and use it to remind you Who you are to Him. God's grace covers it all and He can take care of everything. He can re-inflate what the world has deflated. He can breathe life where there is doubt. He can send encouragement where there is discouragement. We just have to let Him.
I would not have made it through this week without the prayers of some precious few. They have been a lifeline over the years and when I send out a prayer text, they start praying. Their prayers breathed life back into me. I was able to move forward and replace the discouragement with the truth of Who He said I am. See the world wants nothing more than for you to believe what it says about you....DON'T!! God is going to raise up a standard and take care of those who speak ill about you, believe it and stand on His truth. God has a word for you that the enemy didn't want you to hear. God has pieces of your puzzle to show you, that the enemy doesn't want you to have. God has a light for your fire, that the enemy wanted to extinguish. God has a plan and a purpose for you that the enemy hopes you never know. God has a word for you that the enemy doesn't want you to hear.
The enemy doesn't win. Believe me when I say that. You may feel broke, discouraged, and questioning whether or not you can do anything right at me sweet reader, YOU CAN! Greater is He that is in you, then he that is in the world! The world may step on you, but God is going to allow you to step up and out! Defeat is a tool the enemy uses. You are a child of the Most High, a royal prince or princess...there is no condemnation for you. Believe what He says and delete the rest ;-)
When it is all said and done, it only matters about hearing Him say well done. There are things we spend our lives doing and putting a great importance on, that when we stand before Him one day will not be something He asks about. (That's a blog for another day...). I'm going through this mountain, not because I'm anything...but because He is everything!
Until next time,
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