Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What matters most.....

Call me reflective, but that's the way the last 24 hours have gone. In the last twenty four hours God has yet again proven Himself faithful yet again. So bear with me, but chances are if you are reading this you can relate to some part.

Events like tornadoes and storms tend to put life in perspective. They remind us yet again what matters and what doesn't. They remind us of what God values and what we should. They remind of us of what is going to matter for eternity and what only matters for today.

Last night was a rough night for my community. There were people that lost their lives, those that lost everything they owned, and those that have spent the day cutting up trees and hanging tarp. It's hard enough when you watch trees on tops of houses on TV from some other state. It's another thing when you drive your route to work, church, and home and see trees on tops of houses. It becomes real and it hurts. You may not even know the people in those houses, but you hurt for them. I cried the whole way home today at what I saw. Tears of pain for those cleaning up, but also tears of thankfulness because last night could have been so much worse. We had three rounds pretty much take the same path through our area. An area that in storms passed has not typically been where the tornadoes hit. Our entire state learned three years ago not to take storms lightly and that saved many lives last night. Some have a new meaning of safe tonight.

Let your tomorrow be different than today. Take what He has en-grained on your heart and walk with it into tomorrow. Stay focused on what He has called you to do, bloom where you are planted for now, and love people. Time is short and we don't always get to see the puzzle lid before we are handed the pieces. We think we want to, but if we did, we may hand the pieces back to Him and ask for another puzzle.

Love people and just enjoy the day He has given you. He will give you the strength to handle what He has planned for it. We run tired(frustrated and stressed) when we add to it what we have planned as well. Let Him dictate your plans and just follow His lead. He will take care of the rest and work it out better than we ever could.

Rest well readers tonight! I'm looking forward to some good sleep. Last night was a long night. Take care of each other, help out when you can, and pray for each other. God can be where we cannot be and do what we cannot do. I'm thankful last night wasn't as bad as it could have been. I've seen the damage and it could have been worse. I'm thankful for friends who text and start praying from a state away. (Talk about nerve wracking when you realize a big city like Nashville is mentioning your little community).  There is peace when you know you have people praying.

Focused on the journey!

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