Sunday, April 13, 2014

Wisdom for the week (a peek into my journal time last night)

Journal time had a lot of meat in it last night, so I thought I would share. Some may come out to be blogs later, but anyways. God's done a lot of talking over the last week(yes I've been listening). So here goes ;-)

  • Sometimes God has to move us or asks us to move out of our comfort zone to enter int His zone. It's only for a season why He molds us, reshapes us, and gets us ready for the next season and harvest time. 
  • Don't let the way someone treats you define who you are. They may step on you during this season, but God will bring you to a season when you will step over them and on to better and brighter things. Rise about the mess others would rather you stay in. 
  • So you're uncomfortable...good that means you are listening. Often times we don't listen exactly to what He is saying as long as we are "comfortable". 
  • "and lo I am with you always": God never said go and make disciples by ourselves. For some people we can, but for others we may just need to live it out first and let God do the rest. 
  • "stand still and see the deliverance of the Lord" "Be still and know I am God": You aren't standing still if your mouth is moving. You aren't standing still if you are still trying to reason and figure everything out. God can't fight your battles if you still are. 
  • The enemy wouldn't try to keep you feeling defeated if he wasn't afraid you could defeat him. 
  • Sometimes God opens a door not to show you what you can do, but what He can do through you. 
  • Uncomfortable...good. God just tapped you on the shoulder and said watch "I'm going to do more than you can imagine." 
  • "So you don't fit in a box child? You finally figured it out...(or better yet listened.) Silly girl...I didn't make you to fit in a box. I didn't make you to fit in a mod. You can't just play a part, I didn't write, it's just not who you are. I made you for more than this. There are things that only you can do, things I set apart just for go do them :-) " 
  • The Parable of a Sower: God keeps taking me back to this passage of scripture. Last night He started writing and all I could say was wow. It stepped ALL over my toes, but yet made such sense.(I personally love it when He does that).  A blog will come as soon as He finishes it. 
There is a sense of expectancy and a sense of something is about to happen. The bones are about to have life breathed back into them and the best is still to come. God is moving and doing what He does best. The pieces are starting to turn over and He is putting them in place, one piece at a time. Thanks for letting me share my journal time with you. I typed it out just as He gave it to me last night. There was a lot of meat, I'm still processing some and more blogs may still come later. Be Blessed this week Readers! You were made for more than the mess the world wants you to stay in. Press through it, there is a message on the other side!

Focused on the journey,

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