Sunday, May 4, 2014

This is Me ;-)

Sometimes I think I post too many on the other side posts and not enough in the middle ones. So here is a just me post in honor of birthday week. This is an honest post...

I'm a Princess, Daughter of the Most High. I am loving some grace because I fail Him daily. Some days I can pop right back up after I'm down and other days it takes a little longer. Some days I need His help just to find my balance again. Most days though I find myself somehow by the end of the day ready to crawl up in His lap and have Him tell me what only He can. I make Him smile at least once a day and I'm pretty sure I make Him laugh too. He loves me despite my questions and has learned to use them for His purpose. I was raised in a private Christian school and would not trade it for a minute. I had teachers and friends who loved me for me and that foundation has helped make me who I am today. I knew I was overweight growing up, but never realized it mattered to anyone until I was out of high school. In my little bubble back then I was loved and accepted for what was on the inside, so finding that most of the world cared about the outside only was troublesome. I have recently lost some weight and finally looked at myself in pictures last month and could say I'm pretty.  God already knew that though and loved me regardless. My life changed about 15 and half years ago when my sister passed away. She was born with special needs, but it was still unexpected. That started a journey I would never wish on anyone. Before that day I was never sure I had a testimony per say as most did. I mean I was a good girl that went to church and a Christian school. God started writing my testimony that day as I started walking my first test with Him. I had been a Christian since I was nine, but that one day it was just me and God. As I walked around the neighborhood to clear my head, the God I knew from Bible stories began making Himself real in a whole new way. My faith was becoming my own.

My mouth used to get me in trouble at school when I was growing up. I laugh at it now, but I was a straight A student who never according to the report card could control my talking. One day in fourth grade I was close to my very first B. I earned that tenth of a point to make it an A by being silent the rest of the day. The enemy knew even then God would one day use my mouth for Him.  Honesty check:  As the people pleasing chain is breaking, I'm learning that I don't have to analyze everything I say if I'm letting Him do the talking. I don't have to be afraid to open the lips if He said to. He brings an understanding when we follow His lead and don't let fear keep us from being ourselves. (Yep I am working through a fear of public speaking, more like a fear of being misunderstood....which is kind of humorous considering I do webinars and present at conferences, but anyway...)

I was always the one who loved helping the teachers after school to grade papers, file papers, do bulletin boards etc. (Funny thing is those are things I put off to the last minute now). I grew up with teachers who were like second parents. They demonstrated to me what loving through academics was all about and that has pushed me to where I am today. I never went into education thinking I was going to win the awards most do or have the best classroom etc. I just wanted to love people. I wanted to be that teacher I had grown up with to students today. In the world we live in, this is not easy. Kids face more than we could ever dream and some times the best you can do is to love them through it while you have them at school and pray for them while they are away from you.

Throughout college I taught classes at church, was on various committees(even chairman of one), and did basically anything and everything. Halfway into my college tenure I met a group of people via a CD my parents brought home and fell in love with a song  called Through the Fire. That song has messed me up and carried me through more moments than I could ever write about in one setting. God did an amazing thing. Later on these people on a CD would grow to be friends who are more like family. We have been friends for over ten years now, but I still get a huge smile on my face when I see one of their CD's in the store. It's truly been a God thing. They have prayed me through so many things and taught me more about this Christian walk. They made me want more because they walked it out in front of me. They have spoken into my life on numerous accounts and pushed me to the next level of my journey with Him. Because of them I learned how to put faith into action. Because of them I have learned how to love through listening. Because of them I know more than ever God has not only a plan for my life but a purpose.

I'm not perfect by any means. I am just a thankful child of the Most High who realizes I'm not where I used to be, but I'm on my way to where I need to be. I'm determined to finish well and to enjoy the day where I am. Too many times we stay focused on the flower that has yet to bloom that we forget to take care of the seed we just put in the ground. God has a purpose for us where we are while He is working out the details to where we are going.

I'm still learning not to eat things that make me feel yucky even though they taste good(hello chocolate chip muffins). I'm still learning that God has placed people in my life that I can be myself with and who love me for me. I'm still learning that I don't always let the me He made me to be show to some because of fear or whatever reason. I'm still learning that my feet can move when He puts words in my mouth and I need to follow. I'm still learning that the walls I put up to protect me were of my own choosing.

If we will give God our weaknesses, He will give us His strength. We only struggle with them when we try to do it on our own without ever asking Him for  help. He has given us the willpower to eat the way He intended us to and to be healthy. It's up to us to ask Him for help to take the cravings or feelings away. He has given us the words we need to tell someone from Him, but it's up to us to open our mouths and do so. These are both two things I still struggle with on a daily basis, not because He hasn't given me what I need to overcome it, but because I lose focus and let feelings get in the way. If I feel my way through the day I will end up in a mess. If I follow through the day I will end up on the road. Either way I still get to end up in His lap because I somehow manage to listen by the time I lay my head on the pillow at night(I love sleep too much to not talk to Him about it).

Well this post is longer than it probably should be. There is meat, but mostly there is me. So many times I only do the posts about the lessons learned, that I sometimes forget to share me. This is me though and I've learned to quit apologizing for that. I used to say my heart was too big, but it's not. He made it just the way He needed it to be for me. Balance is a good thing. Friends are even a better thing. If I say I'm okay or fine, it means I've already talked to Him about it. I'm working through stuffing things and not dealing with them. Most of the time I want to just try and forget it, but God wants to talk about it so He can heal it. The walls are slowly coming down. God and I have a unique relationship and the notes in my Bible(along with this blog) are proof of that. I don't try to explain it, the words aren't there yet. The best is still to come.

Just being me on the journey,

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