Give God your heart and let Him give it back in His image. I think sometimes the scariest place we can be is with our hearts in our hands. We think we know so well what He wants for us or what His plan is for our lives, but if we will stop and listen for a few minutes...God wants to whisper to our hearts. He longs to whisper in our hearts the words we have asked Him to speak. A lot of times, He's whispering the words to us already...but we are so busy with the things of the world(mind you some of them are even good things) that we can't hear.
It would take more than one post to tell you everything He's spoken to my heart this week. I have a feeling some of it, He's been trying to say for a few months now. God knows my heart, more than that He knows what my heart desires more than anything. I've stood in my way for far too long. I've held the keys in my own hand that unlocked the door to the next part of the journey, but I only looked at them this week. So many times we pray and ask God for His plan and His will for our lives, but we forget we have to do our part. God's not going to to pick our feet up and move us from one place to the next. We have to choose. The freedom of choice has been set before us to choose to do it His way or our own way. What He desires is for our way to become His way.(In case you do not already know, He always gets His decide if it's an 11 day journey or a 40 year one.). So many Christians today are walking around with light sabers in their hands not realizing all they have to do is flip a switch. God's given us the power defeat what the enemy throws our way, we choose whether or not we use the power we have to defeat it or if we let it defeat us. I've had one too many days when I've let things of the world defeat me. Think about that for a many times has your to-do list caused anxiety and tears? How many times have you let what someone said(or didn't say), what they did(or didn't do) dictate how you felt about yourself? How many times have you let keeping others happy come before doing what you know makes you happy? (This is not a prideful thing...but I think sometimes we can put ourselves on a sacrificial altar in order to try to get a pat on the back). We seek out the well done from others and forget He said give Him your all and He will say well done. Our focus has been blurry, at least I know mine has. I've tried to fit good pieces into my puzzle when God had His pieces in mind. I've tried to put pieces in one season when they were designed for another. Thank you Lord for whispers and revelation. He's still working on several areas of my life, and I know what they are...but oh how far He has brought me from.
I've been thankful and reminded so much this week of what God can do when we give Him our heart. I've been reminded how He orders our steps in ways we could never imagine. I've also been reminded that He will take care of the difference if you just give Him your all. So many times we don't realize the impact we make each and every day, but we have to trust and believe He has planted the seeds we have given Him to sow./ God let me always be faithful with what You have called me to. (FYI...if you are waiting to feel "ready" for what He has told you to will be waiting for awhile.) Sometimes we have to just trust Him when He whispers "You're ready" and know He knows you better than you know yourself.
Sweet reader...regardless of what your week holds. If you are His, you have the power to take care of what ever comes your way. The to-do list will not defeat you, the world cannot squash you, and the opinions of others cannot define you. Quit giving things of the world more power. Give each day your all and know that He will take care of the rest.
Enjoy the journey,
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