I almost didn't type this blog. I almost let it stay just a journal entry between God and me....almost. I took the chance that maybe someone else will need the conversation God and I had earlier. This weekend has been one for me to just be still and listen, and He has talked and turned me around. He spoke peace and I will forever be grateful. Sometimes we get to the point where we keep asking God to fix this or that, when He wants us to just be patient and ride it out. Me I just needed Him to remind me this weekend that He had this and we were going through it together. He answered. God and I have had some interesting conversations over the last couple of weeks, matter of fact if you look at some journal entries over the last couple of months. The last couple of weeks for sure have weighed on my heart. It's been a battle and I know that for a fact. God's been talking and the enemy has been fighting. I guess I should be flattered that he finds me a threat, but he needs to move on and realize he loses every time. God's got this and hasn't let me down yet. In fact, every time I've asked Him for a whisper over these past couple of weeks He has answered with that and oh so much more.
So you may be sitting there looking at the title going where is she going with this one, but that was the question that was posed to me earlier today when God and I were discussing some things. I've let things get to me over the last couple of weeks. I set out to do things one way and wouldn't you know the way I didn't want to do it was right there as well. (That's a blog for another day). I set out focused on where I wanted to be, but I got busy. That's typically how it starts. We get out of the boat because He says let's walk, we start off looking at Him headed on this journey and then EVERYTHING around us starts demanding our attention and we start to sink. I've sank over the past couple of weeks, just being honest. I've learned how fast stress can mess you up and what it can do to you physically. Please hear me when I say it's been a battle over the past couple of weeks, we can know in our hearts what we should be doing, but at the same time struggle with doing it. We can know we should be focused on what He has called us to do, but at the same time busyness takes its toll. We can feel like we are barely keeping our heads above water with everything that needs to be done. I've been there lately, but I'm back on top of the water now. Is the to-do list finished? Why no....but my focus is adjusted and I'm more determined than ever to stay the course.
So are you mad enough yet? Are you mad enough to get determined to take back what the enemy has taken from you(or tried to take)? Stress, Busyness, and Chaos(aka disorganization) are not from God. Think back over the last couple of years....what have those things taken from your life, your health, your finances, your time? Are you mad enough to make up your mind that you want it back? God is the restorer of things. He makes all things new and will even pay back what the enemy has taken from us. Are you mad enough yet? Are you mad enough to change your choices, to draw the line in the sand and to get serious about what He has called you to do? Are you mad enough to do it His way or do you want to keep doing it yours? God has been fighting the battles all along, but are you mad enough to fight with Him? So many times we ask Him to do what He does best, but we aren't willing(or committed enough) to do our part. The times are changing and now more than ever it is time for Christians to get off of the fence. It's time to get mad enough and put the enemy in his place. I love how Joyce Meyer talks about wanting to have power over the enemy when we have a sink full of dirty dishes. Stress is not from God. He never gives us more than we can handle for each day. Think back to the manna and the children of Israel. When we try to do more than what is planned for each day, we end up with a spoiled mess. We have grace to handle today, not tomorrow, or next week. I'm determined and am starting this month with a renewed sense of purpose knowing that the One inside me is greater than anything I am going to face.
I may go into more detail in another blog, but for now hopefully this makes sense. Until we get mad enough to change, we will keep going around the same mountain. As Christians we are joint heirs with Him....that means everything He has, we can have. It's up to us if we walk in that truth or settle for what the enemy dishes out in the form of stress, busyness, and a sense of chaos. When you finally get to the point where you are mad enough to change, get ready because God will hold you to it and He will give you a plan(at least He did for me). The seeds being planted in this season will reap a harvest only He can reap!
Enjoy the journey,
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