Thursday, February 12, 2015

Just a moment...

It's a couple of days before Valentine's which for this single over 30 year old female is not always my favorite day, but something about this year is different. I don't know when the shift happened or what exactly pushed the journey forward, but I'm thankful. I'm thankful that I can say for the first time in a couple of weeks I haven't cried my way through the week. Does it mean things have gotten any easier? No. I have learned over the last couple of years that God doesn't always change our situations and/or circumstances. Sometimes He changes us in order to help us to move forward. The world we live in is constantly changing, it takes more and more of relying on His strength and His power to not change with the world. This is what peace feels like.....Peace knowing that He has this in His hands. Peace that reminds me of precious truths when my flesh would rather I forget them. Peace that says I have no clue how this is all going to work out, but I know He does. Peace that serves from an overflow instead of from the pleasing flow. Peace.....

There are several blogs in the work, but now they are in my journal. I'm thankful for where I am today. I'm thankful for where He has brought me from and what He has brought me through. I'm thankful that prayers I didn't realize I prayed are starting to be answered. I'm thankful He knows my heart and knows what needs to be happen and when.

I would rather have Valentine plans this weekend, but I'm okay with not. There is a peace to being single and knowing that right now my covering is my Heavenly Daddy. I chose to be happy right where I am right now. I'm not waiting for tomorrow to come or something to happen in order for happiness to take place. Joy comes when we choose to be happy in Him. There is a difference in happy in Him and happy in them. Take a minute to let that sink in.

Be blessed...

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