Overall today was a good day. Why is that we let the negative moments of the day cloud all of the positive moments? So many times we can be rocking and rolling and having a good day, when a long comes a person with a word or two that ruins the whole moment. Are we letting those words make us stronger or defeating? If we are honest with ourselves, after a few tears, a few I just don't get it's, those negative moments still in our thoughts. Oh how true the saying is that it takes so many positive thoughts to push out one negative one. Negative words, criticism, and just plain meanness is going to come. Your choice is what you do with it? Process it if you must, but remember His truths. The diamond is only made after pressing, flames, and chipping away. So many times we only see how it hurts, but God sees the bigger picture of how He is using that very moment to make us more like Him. Lesson learned: Let Him do what He needs to the first time. Otherwise you will find yourselves on repeat, until all that He wants chipped away has been. (He's only answering our prayer to make us more like Him, but we forget it in the moment when we feel like we have been questioned). Oh how different our do is from our who. Who we are is not what we do. Don't let someone's criticism of what you do impact your who. (Easier said than done, but it's a process).
Another thought, observation: Don't be surprised when the enemy attacks when you are tired, overwhelmed with a to-do list longer than the day, and trying to stay focused (aka not stress eating). The enemy knows when we are at our weakest. If the attacks came when we were at our strongest, we would move on and not feel them as much. He delights in watching it affect us, but oh how forgets the truth of God's word. God can take any attack and turn it for our good if we let Him. So words in His hands, tomorrow is a new day.......
Reality moment....It's a major paperwork season at work. Hence my to-do list is longer than my day, it has been for over a month. My God knows my heart. He knows I am me pure and simple. That yucky old people pleasing chain tries to re-attach itself, but my heart is simply to do what He has called me to do. Yes it still hurts when I feel like I am make someone mad, it's a process. Too many times we think we can make spiritual changes as easy as we think we can physical changes. We didn't put the physical weight on overnight and we aren't going to take it off the same way. The potter knows just how fast to spin the wheel. You may feel like you are going to fly off, but the Ultimate Potter has you right in His hands and all He sees is a masterpiece in the making!
Thankful tonight for those that pour back in, those that remind me what I do matters, and those that help me keep what I do in perspective. God's up to something...what is sown will be reaped. He's raising up an army to follow His lead in this journey we call life.
Stay focused readers! You may have had a day that had you in tears for a moment(yep...), but He saw them. He wasn't suprised you reacted the way you did, He knows your heart. He knows regardless of how much you want to run away from it, He knows you are listening and are right where He needs you for this season. Harvest time will come soon...but for now it's planting season. He's placed seeds within you...not for you to keep to yourself but to share! Seeds will never grow if they are left in the package. They have to be pour out, scattered, and nurtured.
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