Multiple starts to various blogs.....
We think we have reached the top of that mountain we asked Him to move, but really He just gave us a chance to catch our breath before starting to climb again. We want Him to move the mountain, but He needs for us to realize just how strong we are. Oh how this truth hit me slap in the face when I got still and looked back on the last week. Yes He has the power to move the mountain we asked Him to, but is that what we really need? So many times we get what we want mixed up with what we need because what we need isn't comfortable. He knows what we need, trusting Him to follow through with that is our part in the process. Sometimes the path is clear and sometimes it's a whisper.... Sometimes the need is clearly defined from the want, but sometimes we have to take a step back and get His perspective on that mountain we say we give up climbing. We are never going to be comfortable climbing the mountain until we can see ourselves through His eyes and realize how He is strengthening us. Our flesh wants to run from anything that isn't comfortable, but instead of speaking to our storm...our soul wants to speak to us. That song lyric that came on at just the right moment, the FB status that was so what you needed to hear, or that verse that God brought back to mind at just the right time...all of these are truths to our soul. Whispers from Him speaking peace to the storm inside of us. He knows if He can calm us, we can look at the storm on the outside through His eyes. God's not asking us to be anyone other than who He has called us to be(so quit comparing yourselves to others...). (That's a blog in itself for another day...)
Sometimes my students think I expect to much out of them, but really I can see what they can do. Oh how He spoke that to my soul this morning. We can't always see what we can do, but He can. We see our limitations, He sees our potential. We see our wants, He sees our needs. Just as a teacher in the classroom pushes their students to be the best they can be(and that's different for every one), our Heavenly Teacher does the same thing. He sees what He made us to be...look in His mirror the next time you start to feel stressed and ask Him for His view. So many times our stressed moments, our frustrations, and our that's it I'm done moments come because we get our eyes off of being the One He made us to be and try to be who the world says we should. God doesn't have a ruler or a measuring tape for after all He'd need one for every person since we are all different. He convicts and leads you to change, the world condemns and leads you to feelings of depression, stress, and more.
So the mountain is still there, keep climbing. God's there with you and knows you can reach the top(otherwise He would have moved it.) God will move you when He's ready, until then stay planted....and BLOOM!
More later on most of this...with scriptures ;-) He's been speaking and pouring in this weekend...
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