Well meaning friends will tell you the traditional things to say, "don't let this bother you", "God's got this", "He said you can do it", "it will all be okay, etc. " I've found myself saying these to other people at times myself, Lord forgive me for that. We run to them sometimes, because know we need to speak positive and because let's be honest....we've grown up this way. We say God's got it, but have we asked Him? Stay with me for a minute....
I believe Jesus may have felt overwhelmed at times. The needs of the people, the wants of the masses, at times they had to take a toll on Him. He needed rest and times by Himself. He needed time to just get away, to talk to His Father. He needed time to let the One who knew Him the best fill Him back up. Jesus knew that He had to be about His Father's business. In other words, He needed to stay focused on the mission God had called Him to do. He couldn't taken on anything else or deal with anything else but doing what God had called Him to do at that time. His human side wanted to do it all, but His God side knew He had a purpose. His human side felt, but His God side knew.
So smack there's a wall....what do you do? That would be the question I asked Him this afternoon. I knew the wall was there, I knew there was a choice to be made. I also knew that my give out was tired, and I was feeling drained. (Oh that lying enemy loves that moment). On the other side of the wall was the next part of the journey with God, but I had to get over the wall first. I thought about coming home and going to my "war spot", but it just didn't feel right yet. I thought about coming home and just going to sleep, but that wasn't it either. With every God truth that started being spoke in my Spirit, I knew God was fighting the battle. I had to get still which meant I had to get quiet. I have learned over the last couple of months, for every battle there is a word. The enemy fights when he is scared of the word, deed, love that is about to come out of you. The enemy fights when you know your purpose and what God has called you to do.
With the stillness came the word ask, God knew I was at the wall, it wasn't a surprise to Him. He also knew that I had a choice to make. He wasn't going to just move this particular wall or give me the boost over without the word. So many times we find ourselves at the wall, but instead of Him for help over, we sit and dig in and pray for God to move the wall. God's waiting to give us the boost we need to go up and over the wall, but He wants us to ask Him. Quit staring at the wall and start asking Him for help over it. The wall isn't a surprise to God and probably not to you(I know I could see mine coming). God has been pouring out more than I could imagine over the last couple of weeks. (That blog is coming soon..) The battle has been raging and the wall is all a part of the plan. The enemy wants to let it distract you, but with God's help you can scale that wall. (Psalms 18:29). Don't decorate the wall and and make it personal, God wants you up and over He has more for you to do.
God I speak life over the readers right now. For those that have found themselves smack against a wall today, I pray they see your hand outstretched. You are longing to not only give them a hand, but a boost over the wall and onto the next part of the journey. God nudge them, whisper to them, let them know what you have prepared on the other side. What the enemy meant for evil, You are working for their good. God I pray that You fill them with your peace and truth right now, give rest to the weary and reveal the good. In the Name of Jesus...Amen
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