Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Thankful....(thoughts from this week)

I've seen God move mountains with just three words this week. I've seen Him pour out to the point that the bucket was overflowing. I've seen Him take the faith of several children and start a fire in the hearts of many. I've told God I knew I was working, but just couldn't feel Him at that moment, and not long after I not only felt Him moving..but felt Him shifting something in the atmosphere. I've felt God lining things up and putting pieces into view. I've seen God use three words to take a Child of His and spin her back around. I've heard Him speak words of confirmation(and a gentle reminder of something He had already told me). I've seen truth in His word, felt the anointing in my war spot, and prayed in faith and stood on it with the tears flowing and the language that God understood. God's pouring it out...Are you standing with arms open or hands full? Have you laid down the things that once seemed to entangle you, kept you tied up, and picked up God's instead? There is a strength and a power that comes from running the race. There is a strength and a power that comes from realizing and knowing that this anointing isn't just for the person next to you or the one on stage, but it's for you. Aaron preached tonight on "Taking Hold of It". For a minute with tears streaming down my face, God took me back to a time when He said "Are you going to take it yet?". See for a long time I knew that there was an anointing, but I had believed it for everyone but myself. I had known it was something others could have, I had looked at mine, maybe even walked by it, but I had never grabbed a hold of what He said was mine and believed it for myself. That is until He said to this time....and something finally clicked (and I haven't been the same since). There is a power that is unlocked when you grab a hold of what He's given you. It's like a present that you get on your birthday and never take it out of the box. It may be pretty to look at for a time, but how functional is it. What good is it doing you if you can't put it to use? There have been moments lately when I have known the enemy was pushing, I've done what I could to push back...but it was more than what I could do on my own. Three words shifted something in the spiritual realm, and God was on it. Sometimes all we have to say is "Jesus help me". It doesn't have to be some long drawn out prayer....honestly in the middle of a pressing/pushing moment...there is no time for that. He knows our hearts though, and a cry from a Child of His dispatches angels and God's full force. Oh why don't we tap into that power more instead of trying to push/press through things on our own.

It's been almost a month now since prayer became the theme for multiple messages that I would hear, all before War Room came out. Then I went and saw War Room (twice now) and let's just say God had the message loud and clear. I don't have a room that I can clear out right now for a War Room, but I have a War Spot. I have a spot where I have met with God over the last couple of weeks around the same time. I've seen God speak life during those moments, speak healing, speak truth. The tears have streamed more than once and the power that has been felt has been hard to describe. God's pouring it out on those seeking for more of Him God's honoring this Child's request made almost ten years ago for more of Him. His word says He honors the desires of our heart and that those that seek Him find Him. I'm thankful God doesn't give up. I'm thankful that even when I let life get in the way, He kept pursing and pressing. I'm thankful for a God that pushed through the normal and routine and brought in the extreme and anointed. I'm thankful for prayers that are no longer just words, but are moments of power spoken in faith and believing God's already gone before and started working it out. How many prayers would we see answered if our prayers were full of power and not just words? How many mountains would we see moved, if we truly believed in faith that God said we could tell them to move? Too often we listen to what the world says, and forget about what God says. If God said it, He meant it...take that truth and belt it around your waist. Let it be what holds you up when the enemy whispers the next can't do this, they will think you are crazy. Hear me now....he wouldn't be whispering those lies, if what you could do through Christ didn't scare him. Walk with boldness forward...

I've seen Him move this week. I'm thankful for that. I'm thankful for seeing Him move daily, for feeling His presence daily, and I'm thankful for knowing that He is working even if doesn't look like it. These are all truths I don't take for granted because I know what it's like to not have them. I know what it's like to be running around being Martha so much that being Mary only happens every now and then. I know what it's like to believe things in prayer for everyone else, but forgetting to believe them for yourself. I know what it's like to have the anxiety be the cloud above your head that you just wish God would take away. I know what it's like to go through the motions of the saved life, all the while never taking a hold of the abundant life. Hear my heart for a can get in the way in many forms, some even good. Eventually life gets in the way so much that you look up one day and there is a gap there that you didn't even realize. There is a path that you seem to be walking that looks like you took a turn somewhere. Being a Child of God is more than just making it to Heaven. It's about living the life while on Earth that He planned for you to have. It's about tapping into the power He gave you as His child and using it. We are joint heirs with Him, that means everything He has is ours. Oh let that sink in.....

The fire can grow cold and you still be a Christian. I know, I've been there. I know what it's like to put that face on at church and everything be "fine" all the while your heart is in two and you are just need Jesus to send you someone with skin on to listen. (I prayed that many nights....many times because I only had a few I could get real with and they didn't live close by). God's not calling us to be perfect with each other, He's calling us to be real. He's calling us to take off the masks we have become comfortable with and show others who we are. Showing who we are, the weak spots and all, opens the door to showing the glory spots that God does when He shines through what you called your weak spots. It's in getting real, in letting God pull back the pages/layers of your heart that healing begins. Healing of everything the enemy has thrown at you, on you, and around you. God longs to light your fire again if you are feeling cold. He has a flame on the inside of you that He is longing to see burn again.....will you let Him?

This is a different kind of blog, I know....but it's what God laid on my heart. I'm still working on trying to fully put this journey into words. I don't have it all figured out, I have just finally surrendered the parts of me I had held on to for so long, to the One who does have it all figured out. I've typed most of the journey out and will share it soon when He says its time. Be blessed this week readers and step into what He created you for!

1 comment:

  1. Your realness and heart are a blessing! Keep writing! You are my hero!
