If you have listened to Christian radio at all over the last few months, you know exactly what song the title of this post is from. If you haven't heard it....go Google "Good, Good Father" and really listen to the words.
If you have grown up in church for any amount of time, you have heard the stories from the Bible. Most can tell you Jesus' first miracle, who He raised from the dead after 4 days, what He told the disciples when they were afraid of the storm, who walked on water to meet Jesus, and even what He rode into Jerusalem on when He was headed to the last supper. There is a moment when stories become strength, a moment when knowledge becomes application. There is that moment when learning about Him doesn't satisfy you as long as learning from Him. There is a moment when His presence is the only thing that fill that void. God created us all with a God shaped hole when we were born. As we grow older, the hole grows bigger. We can keep trying to fill it with the things that worked when we were younger, but just as the Word says in 1 Corinthians, at some point we have to do away with childish things. We have to move from wanting someone to always tell us about Him, to wanting to know Him for ourselves. It's the shift from sitting to serving, from doing to being, from hearing to loving.
There is that moment when in His presence is the only place where answers are found, where peace is gained, and where perspective is priceless. When God restores and renews the heart that He planned for you to have in the beginning, it isn't meant for you to keep it to yourself. The words may not always come out right, the actions may not always make sense in your mind, but know this...God covers where He leads and speaks. When you are following what He has asked you to do, you are walking in obedience. It may not feel right at first, your flesh may even get a little scared, but keep your eyes focused on the One walking before you on the water.
Child of God, He longs for you just sit in His presence. More than doing something for Him, He wants you to be with Him. For sitting with Him for awhile turns into walking with Him...it's in that walk that you start to see His plans unfold. Open up to Him, tell Him everything (He already knows it anyway) and let Him restore back what the enemy has taken from you. The same stories you heard when you were younger, that same Jesus is the One walking with you today. Opening up your hand to take His, letting go of everything you have been holding on to trying to fix......He's a good, good Father....and He loves you right where you are.
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