So what do you do? When your feelings tell you one thing, but your heart speaks the truth. What do you do when everything around says You are overwhelmed....but everything on the inside of you says You are Mine. You smile, shout, praise. You stay so focused on what God is doing that while you notice what the enemy is doing, you don't have time to stay put looking at it. You armor up and move forward knowing God has you right where He needs you to be for this season of your life. If things were going peachy, you wouldn't be getting stronger. We don't grow when it's peachy, we grow when we have to rely on the One who created peaches. Relying on Him doesn't mean there has to be a huge tragedy, chaos etc. Relying on Him means you realize that this life is bigger than you, so you may as well follow behind the One who created it for you.
"When God is in it...there is no limit" this is a line from a praise song called "It's Not over". When God is in something, there isn't a limit to what He can do...and when He is inside of you...there is no limit to what you can do. God doesn't operate in your comfort zone, He operates in His zone. So move the chairs out of the way, clear out the space....ask Him to cover and move...then watch Child, watch God does what only our Good, Good Father can do. We limit Him by our limitations...when God knows no limit. He's been waiting since before we were born for us to realize what He could do through us...and then be willing to let Him do it!
God is a God of order. He orders are steps to achieve His purpose and plan. He knows what He created you why doubt when He does exactly what you asked Him to do? Don't pray for revelation, if you aren't willing to digest it when He shows it to you. Don't pray for God to show you truth if you aren't willing to embrace it and apply it. God answers the prayers of His children...but sometimes we ignore the answers He has while waiting on the ones we wanted Him to answer with. God knows what is needed...He knows that person that you need and the person that needs you. He knows when your heart needs encouragement, and trust may ask Him for it to come from one part of your life, and He makes it happen in another. Trust God to answer with what you need..and when He does give Him the glory and praise.
The last two weeks have been a revelation time for me. God's working on a blog right now called Is your river stopped up? Last summer Kelly preached an amazing word that was life changing for many times we are walking around with life on the inside of us, but we have built a wall that has stopped it up. I know how that is. I had learned how to wear a mask and pretend life was peachy...all the while the anxiety and mess was building up on the inside. There was a wall forming and I let it happen. Thankful that God sees that wall...and orders the steps we need to tear it down. It doesn't just fall down on it's own...(that would be too easy), but the mess in His hands...yep the One that built the how the wall starts crumbling. You see God knows your purpose....and if you search deep down, you do as well. What's keeping you from fulfilling that purpose He put on the inside of you? Is it a wall built by your mess? It it a wall you allowed to happen? The choice is can keep your mess and let the river stay stopped up or you can let God tear the wall down and write the message from your mess. God longs to flow through you...He has a work for you to do once the wall is down. I'm thankful today for the wall He tore down last summer. I'm thankful that on days when the enemy taunts my flesh to go backwards...I can sing I'm Not going back...I'm moving ahead. I'm thankful to be able to look back over this past year and with a praise from heart know that God has done exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine, but those are blogs for another day.
You may be reading this going, but I still struggle with _____. Why can't I get past ____? I've asked those questions before question to you is are you talking to God about it and then listening for the answer? I still struggle in my flesh. My natural right now is exhausted and overwhelmed, but my spiritual eyes let me see the beauty from the rain, the sun behind the cloud, and the flowers from the seed. My natural wants to run and hide, but my spiritual has dug in. My natural may question God where are you at, but my spiritual hears the whisper that speaks volumes. My natural sees the time the seed is costing, my spiritual sees the flower from the seed and knows every attack, every hit, every moment made it worth it. I look back on the past year with a smile knowing that while I am still not where I need to be, I'm not where I used to be. I'm not hiding behind a box or putting on the smile when I would rather be in tears. I'm not worried about being real with someone and then later wondering if they will still like me or talk to me. I've embraced who I am as a Child of God...and that makes the difference. My natural still has moments of fear, worry, and stress....there are still moments when I struggle to not listen to the chains the enemy is rattling, but it's in those moments I crawl up in my war spot and go to battle. It's in those moments I call up the prayer warriors who have always been there and pour out my heart. It's in those moments I embrace the freedom I found last year to be me. If you are trying to put a piece of your puzzle in the place you think it fits, quit forcing it....when you let the maker of the puzzle show you how the pieces fit together, it becomes a masterpiece...and it's actually fun watching Him work.
Devotions, Bible Study notes, conversations between God and I, and sometimes just a from the heart blog or bust post
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Hands up
As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. 12 When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset. 13 So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army with the sword. (Exodus 17:11-13)
Full surrender to the One who has it all in His hands....hands up in praise knowing that God inhabits the praises of His people...and praise is something the enemy hates. Hands up because that's where the power comes from. Hands up because surrendering is all that He asks of us.....when we have our hands up in praise, they can't be crossed in frustration, or pointing fingers in comparison or judgement. Hands up in praise...leaves our hearts open to what His will is regardless. The battle is here...if you haven't picked up on that, take a look around or just turn on the news. As Children of the Most High....we fight the battle on our knees in prayer and our hands up in praise. As long as Moses had his hands up...they were winning the battle. As long as we have our hands up in praise, regardless of what it may look like on the outside, we are winning the battle. Praise keeps our focus on the One who has created us and ordered our steps through the fight. Praise from the heart comes from knowing that God's going to do what He said He would do.
We are all on this journey together as brothers and sisters in Him. His blood makes us family period. We have all been called to wage war against the enemy and fight, but sometimes just like Moses...our hands are going to grow tired and we are going to grow weary. Praise God for the Aaron and Hur's on our journey that will not only give us a place to rest, but will grab a hand to hold up to help us praise it through. We were never called to do it on our own. I don't know of any solider that signs up for the army looking at it as a solo journey. God's army is the same way...we need each other period. You may be in Moses shoes right now....looking at the battle and taking a deep breathe...and going okay God let's do this. Hands up in know He's doing the fighting. Trust Him for the Aaron and Hur's in your walk to come along side of you and hold your hands up. (Side note...don't get so stuck on who you think the Aaron and Hur should be that you are willing to let who God leads to you to do it). You may be the Aaron and Hur for someone and be that person who will pray for, encourage, and hold their hands up so they can praise their way through it. God knows...and people and moments are not just a coincidence for His children. Our steps are ordered by the One writing our book. Be sensitive to His leading....and when He it.
Full surrender to the One who has it all in His hands....hands up in praise knowing that God inhabits the praises of His people...and praise is something the enemy hates. Hands up because that's where the power comes from. Hands up because surrendering is all that He asks of us.....when we have our hands up in praise, they can't be crossed in frustration, or pointing fingers in comparison or judgement. Hands up in praise...leaves our hearts open to what His will is regardless. The battle is here...if you haven't picked up on that, take a look around or just turn on the news. As Children of the Most High....we fight the battle on our knees in prayer and our hands up in praise. As long as Moses had his hands up...they were winning the battle. As long as we have our hands up in praise, regardless of what it may look like on the outside, we are winning the battle. Praise keeps our focus on the One who has created us and ordered our steps through the fight. Praise from the heart comes from knowing that God's going to do what He said He would do.
We are all on this journey together as brothers and sisters in Him. His blood makes us family period. We have all been called to wage war against the enemy and fight, but sometimes just like Moses...our hands are going to grow tired and we are going to grow weary. Praise God for the Aaron and Hur's on our journey that will not only give us a place to rest, but will grab a hand to hold up to help us praise it through. We were never called to do it on our own. I don't know of any solider that signs up for the army looking at it as a solo journey. God's army is the same way...we need each other period. You may be in Moses shoes right now....looking at the battle and taking a deep breathe...and going okay God let's do this. Hands up in know He's doing the fighting. Trust Him for the Aaron and Hur's in your walk to come along side of you and hold your hands up. (Side note...don't get so stuck on who you think the Aaron and Hur should be that you are willing to let who God leads to you to do it). You may be the Aaron and Hur for someone and be that person who will pray for, encourage, and hold their hands up so they can praise their way through it. God knows...and people and moments are not just a coincidence for His children. Our steps are ordered by the One writing our book. Be sensitive to His leading....and when He it.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
My heart tonight.....
The revelations from the week could fill more than a post, God's been pulling back layers I didn't know existed. I'm thankful and humbled at the same time. There is a stirring in my expectancy of what is to come. God's moving and swimming in the deep waters is where I want to reside. I want to lay crowns at His Feet one day and hear Him say Well done. My flesh doesn't always understand what that means, but then again my flesh is also satisfied with a Reese Peanut Butter Egg. There is a part of me that only His presence satisfies. I'm past the going through the motions; time spent in His changing. It's more than just talking about Him, reading about Him, listening about Him, or singing about Him. It's being with Him......there is a difference and if we could just grasp that today it would change our country, our churches, our work places, our families, our homes...because it changes us. You can't spend time in His presence one day and not want it the next. It changes who you are because you start to see yourself as God sees you. When you grasp a hold of who God made you to be, who He's called you to be, and who He says you are.....whew, that's a shout right there.
I'm thankful for blinders that over this last year God has removed, walls that He has tore down, and chains that He has broken. I'm thankful because on the days when I physically feel weak, when I start to get down on myself, and when the enemy throws fear and anxiety my way again....I know God's still working. I know God is moving mountains I can't see. I know God is shifting the atmosphere and making a way where to human eyes there is no way. My God is a Good Good Father and loves me way more than I deserve. #thankfulforgrace
I'm far from perfect and still struggle with some areas that God's chipping away to reveal truth. Tears come to my eyes as I look back over the last year and the work God has done. Whew....this Jesus girl has left a lot of mess at the Feet of the only One who understood the mess and could make it a message. I have had glasses ever since grade school, but as I get older I am becoming more reliant on those glasses. The natural often times reflects the spiritual....I've becoming more reliant on my spiritual glasses as I walk this journey with Him. I need His eyes to distinguish the good things from the God things, the busy from the fruit-bearing etc. Some days I'm stubborn and don't use what He's given me I've learned (and am finally noticing it quicker). God is full of grace though to lovingly redirect me.
You may be reading this thinking, well that's great for her...but I'm still on the inch by inch walk part of the journey. I've been there....I had going through the motions down and learned exactly how to put the smile on while dealing with the things that made me cry on my own. Busyness and pleasing others had taken the place of Bearing Fruit and Pleasing Him. It was a routine more than a relationship...but God stepped in. See He knew what He had planned for me before I was even born. He knew the destiny that awaited me and He lovingly ordered my steps so that I would one day "get it". What do I mean by it? I mean that power on the inside of you, faith that can move mountain, trust that takes the step even when it doesn't seem clear, and His presence.....oh time spent in His presence praying and crying out to the One who knew the answers. I know what it's like to not be in this spot for the spirits of anxiety, fear, depression, isolation, and insecurity latched on in the forms of chain. I've been there and but for the grace of God and truth spoken into my life...I would still be there. I know this....God longs to give you the desires of your heart....and when your heart is more of Him, He honors that request. He is a redeemer of time and a restorer of broken things. God can take the days that through your glasses seem shattered (even after you have tried to put them together yourself) and make them His.
Different kind of blog tonight....but I'm just sharing my heart. More of that to come....
I'm thankful for blinders that over this last year God has removed, walls that He has tore down, and chains that He has broken. I'm thankful because on the days when I physically feel weak, when I start to get down on myself, and when the enemy throws fear and anxiety my way again....I know God's still working. I know God is moving mountains I can't see. I know God is shifting the atmosphere and making a way where to human eyes there is no way. My God is a Good Good Father and loves me way more than I deserve. #thankfulforgrace
I'm far from perfect and still struggle with some areas that God's chipping away to reveal truth. Tears come to my eyes as I look back over the last year and the work God has done. Whew....this Jesus girl has left a lot of mess at the Feet of the only One who understood the mess and could make it a message. I have had glasses ever since grade school, but as I get older I am becoming more reliant on those glasses. The natural often times reflects the spiritual....I've becoming more reliant on my spiritual glasses as I walk this journey with Him. I need His eyes to distinguish the good things from the God things, the busy from the fruit-bearing etc. Some days I'm stubborn and don't use what He's given me I've learned (and am finally noticing it quicker). God is full of grace though to lovingly redirect me.
You may be reading this thinking, well that's great for her...but I'm still on the inch by inch walk part of the journey. I've been there....I had going through the motions down and learned exactly how to put the smile on while dealing with the things that made me cry on my own. Busyness and pleasing others had taken the place of Bearing Fruit and Pleasing Him. It was a routine more than a relationship...but God stepped in. See He knew what He had planned for me before I was even born. He knew the destiny that awaited me and He lovingly ordered my steps so that I would one day "get it". What do I mean by it? I mean that power on the inside of you, faith that can move mountain, trust that takes the step even when it doesn't seem clear, and His presence.....oh time spent in His presence praying and crying out to the One who knew the answers. I know what it's like to not be in this spot for the spirits of anxiety, fear, depression, isolation, and insecurity latched on in the forms of chain. I've been there and but for the grace of God and truth spoken into my life...I would still be there. I know this....God longs to give you the desires of your heart....and when your heart is more of Him, He honors that request. He is a redeemer of time and a restorer of broken things. God can take the days that through your glasses seem shattered (even after you have tried to put them together yourself) and make them His.
Different kind of blog tonight....but I'm just sharing my heart. More of that to come....
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
I've seen many searching...
"....for answers only you provide" (yep back to song lyrics)
I love break time, it's time for rest, reflection and just recharging. God's been pouring in.....and I'm just now getting to the overflow portion (Thank you Jesus!). To say I was on the drained and depleted side would be an understatement.....and the enemy knew it. I'm so thankful God's timing is perfect...He sends rest when we need it and restores what the enemy has tried to take. Devil you lose again.....
God's been shifting things in the atmosphere, in the spiritual realm. Pieces from the puzzle are starting to fall into place and there is a fire that only He knew how to fan. I'm thankful for a heart that prays in words that only He understands. Times when My Spirit talks to the One who is on the inside of Me....moments when God alone knows what is being said and that's just how it should be. There are some things that only God can deal with, yes He loves hearing your heart....but He needs you to leave your heart in His hands. Tell Him your heart child and then trust Him for the answers. So many times we pray and "leave" things in God's hands...only to come back later and pick them back up again to try it our way again. Leave it with Him.....and then walk in the victory because it's coming. There is a hunger that comes when you seek after the only One that can answer the questions your heart has.
In our natural when someone or something attacks, we want to attack back. Oh hear my heart...we have got to learn to fight against the real enemy which is not the other person, the emotion, or even the "feeling". We wage wrestle not against flesh and blood...but against principalities...In other word that fight you are feeling in the natural, is a distraction from the enemy himself. If he can keep you focused on the fight you are feeling, you won't see the fight that is going on in another realm. Let that truth take's been life changing for me. I wish I could say the natural is never my focus....but it still is at times. Busyness, what other people think/say/do, and just feelings/emotions take way too much focus some days. Oh but when I get still, when I get in that place where He can speak straight to the part of me that gets it.....It's a balm of peace, it's restoration of energy, joy, and sweet fellowship with the One who made you to be. He never planned for you to be anyone other than who He made you to be. Frustrations, stress, discouragement, doubt, fear etc. come when we try and put this piece into a place of our choosing instead of the One He designed for it to fit in.
God didn't save you, bring you through what He did...for you to live life behind a wall. I know I mentioned in a blog earlier this week that God tore down some walls for me last summer. I wish you could hear the conversations we have had over the last couple of days about those bricks...basically it comes down to "Child the wall came down for a reason....the bricks had meaning or else they wouldn't have needed to come down. There was a greater tell it". So many times we experience something, have God move in our lives in an incredible way...and we keep it to ourselves. Then we get frustrated when we ask God to use us or let us tell our story, yet we aren't willing to open our mouths in some aspects. God gave you the story, gave you the tell it. (Lots of more went into that discussion, but that's a blog for later). God pressed the anointing and the oil out for a reason and for such a time as this. Walk in it.... (that may have just been for me, but so be it)...
That thing you are wanting to run from, that's causing you something to take to His feet, leave it there..and then take up your shield and fight! When God stirs up your anointing, places a burden on you for to's not in the natural, it's meant for a realm that only your Spirit sees. The enemy wants you to run, to stay frustrated with something, and to stay with a spirit of discord in your mind....because he knows that when you go to battle for that which is frustrating and you dig in and stand in the power that you know God gave you...look out devil. are a threat to the enemy. Look at where he is pushing and push back. The power on the inside of you is greater than anything the enemy can throw your way...(and he wouldn't be throwing if he wasn't wanting you to be distracted from the purpose God has for you. The enemy is scared of your power to intercede, the power of your word, but most of all the power of your praise. When God has anointed you, taken you through something that only He can do and gets all of the glory have a praise that comes from a part of you that some won't understand. Praise Him child.....God knows what the praise cost and He will honor the desires of your heart when you seek after more of Him. More of Him....means more of all that He has planned for you, His child. He's a Good, Good Father....
Monday, March 14, 2016
The verse of the day from the Bible app today has become one of my life verses. It's been one of those over the last few years that God has used sometimes on a daily basis to redirect me and put me back on His path. You may be looking at the title thinking, um...she must be pretty confident to blog as much as she does. ( I'm far from confident, in fact for a long time I battled with insecurity and lack of self confidence on a daily basis. I had formed walls to keep myself safe. As long as I operated in the safe comfort zone, I knew how to play the part. The bricks of those walls on the outside looked like fear, anxiety, and people pleasing. Those walls were tumbled down last year....and freedom has never felt better. I still find myself having to kick a few of the old bricks out of the way every now and then. Some days I may even pick up one of them and look at it...within time the heaviness of that brick reminds me I won't go back, and I drop the brick quickly. With freedom emerged a sense of starting to see the me He had made all along. When you finally can see yourself as God sees you...when you finally grasp the calling He has for you, it's a confidence that can't be taken away.
We will always battle with the flesh this side of Heaven, but the power on the inside of us is stronger than our flesh. Think about looking in the mirror....for me if I'm relying on my flesh in that moment I can find every thing wrong (that is if I can even bring myself to look in the mirror). When I'm relying on His strength and letting His thoughts become my thoughts...I can look in the mirror and smile. There may not be things I don't like, but I know God is helping me to work on those and I can move on without thinking thoughts that are not His. Grasping a hold of this verse....letting this word take root in my soul and Spirit...doesn't mean I feel confident all of the time. It means that on those days when I start to doubt myself, question, or even become anxious/fearful....He whispers it back to me. He reminds me I don't have to be confident because in all honesty I'm not. I can be confident in Him and what He can do through me. He's the key to confidence and with that another brick gets kicked out of the way.
Saturday, March 12, 2016
When you don't.....
I love a good lyric...and the song that is rocking my world and has pushed me through this week is Lauren Daigle's "Trust in You". If you have never heard the song...go listen NOW...
It's been a rough couple of weeks. I've physically not felt myself and have been fighting in that realm. The stupid liar took a few shots, I'll give him that....but with each shot I just got mad. Of course being mad in the spiritual and exhausted in the physical isn't a great combination. So I've rested as much as possible over the last couple of was in those moments I was so thankful that Jesus intercedes for us when we can't figure out words to say on our own. I'm thankful that my Spirit knew what I needed and that with rest....God began the restoration process. I'll be honest at some point this week I asked God where was He...because He seemed far away. I had a list of requests I had given Him and I wasn't seeing movement on anything. How many times do we all find ourselves in that boat? We've done our part and taken it to God....but when time passes and still no movement, that voice of doubt and discouragement get louder. Those are the times when we are faced with the choice...what are we going to do? Are we going to listen to that voice of discouragement, fear, doubt, anxiety, condemnation (take your label) or are we going to trust the One who has gotten us this far? If you had been inside my head this would have seen a battle. Hear my heart....there were lots of moments over the last couple of weeks where God has spoken in, showed up, made a difference...but there were also moments of discouragement, draining, moments where I was just plain wore out. The enemy knew what buttons to push and in just what order.....stupid devil. I guess he forgot to realize once I pushed through this, I was going to come out on the other end stronger.
There is a shift going on in the atmosphere. I felt it Sunday watching Restoring Hope and then Wednesday watching over half of the students where I teach assemble for FCA...I saw it in action. The enemy knows his time is drawing to a close and he's pulling out the punches. Stand strong Child of God..I know it's not easy, it feels horrible, but God is working. There is a peace that comes when you push through the crowd, through the mess of what the enemy has put in your path and get a hold of His hem. The enemy wouldn't be pushing if he didn't consider you a threat. So push back....if you aren't strong enough to push back, find someone who can push for you. There is a war going on that we can't see. A war in the spiritual realms....God needs His army, His children focused on fighting the battle that makes the eternal difference. The enemy will do what he can to keep your focus in the natural....but as the word says stay focused on things that are not seen. This battle is not one that is fought in the natural....God's moving. If you aren't seeing it in your daily walk, check your walk. Retrace your steps to the time when you last felt Him/saw Him move etc. and go back to that moment. God's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't change.....period there is no question mark.
Today I'm thankful. I'm thankful for those moments over the past couple of weeks that the enemy tried to used to discourage me. I'm thankful for the moments that made me realize the boldness and calling on the inside of me was ready to grab. I'm thankful for the moments that made me see the fight that in the realm not easily seen. I'm thankful for the moments that reminded me the power and anointing on the inside of me just needed a breathe of life blown into it. I'm thankful for a visit to the chiropractor that made me so mad at the devil that it was the final push I needed to get through the crowd and get a hold of His hem. I'm thankful for the whisper in the middle of what I thought was an escaping rest was really a restoring rest. I'm thankful for mold coming off walls and fresh paint being opened (that's a blog in itself and a pearl of wisdom from a dear friend). Trust doesn't mean you know how He's gong to do just know He's going to.
I don't know where you are right now, but God does. He's not the author of the fear, anxiety, condemnation, depression, discouragement, or stress that you are feeling right now. He knows what caused it and simply wants you to crawl up in His lap and let Him deal with it for you. He knows it's going to take some time, but if you will trust Him...He promises to restore what the enemy has stolen from you. God wants to fill you with joy and peace overflowing. The mountain may not move, but He will call up the strength you need to climb the mountain. God doesn't see the size of the obstacle, He sees the size of the miracle. Don't let the enemy use the obstacle to keep you from unlocking your miracle. The waters are stirring......
It's been a rough couple of weeks. I've physically not felt myself and have been fighting in that realm. The stupid liar took a few shots, I'll give him that....but with each shot I just got mad. Of course being mad in the spiritual and exhausted in the physical isn't a great combination. So I've rested as much as possible over the last couple of was in those moments I was so thankful that Jesus intercedes for us when we can't figure out words to say on our own. I'm thankful that my Spirit knew what I needed and that with rest....God began the restoration process. I'll be honest at some point this week I asked God where was He...because He seemed far away. I had a list of requests I had given Him and I wasn't seeing movement on anything. How many times do we all find ourselves in that boat? We've done our part and taken it to God....but when time passes and still no movement, that voice of doubt and discouragement get louder. Those are the times when we are faced with the choice...what are we going to do? Are we going to listen to that voice of discouragement, fear, doubt, anxiety, condemnation (take your label) or are we going to trust the One who has gotten us this far? If you had been inside my head this would have seen a battle. Hear my heart....there were lots of moments over the last couple of weeks where God has spoken in, showed up, made a difference...but there were also moments of discouragement, draining, moments where I was just plain wore out. The enemy knew what buttons to push and in just what order.....stupid devil. I guess he forgot to realize once I pushed through this, I was going to come out on the other end stronger.
There is a shift going on in the atmosphere. I felt it Sunday watching Restoring Hope and then Wednesday watching over half of the students where I teach assemble for FCA...I saw it in action. The enemy knows his time is drawing to a close and he's pulling out the punches. Stand strong Child of God..I know it's not easy, it feels horrible, but God is working. There is a peace that comes when you push through the crowd, through the mess of what the enemy has put in your path and get a hold of His hem. The enemy wouldn't be pushing if he didn't consider you a threat. So push back....if you aren't strong enough to push back, find someone who can push for you. There is a war going on that we can't see. A war in the spiritual realms....God needs His army, His children focused on fighting the battle that makes the eternal difference. The enemy will do what he can to keep your focus in the natural....but as the word says stay focused on things that are not seen. This battle is not one that is fought in the natural....God's moving. If you aren't seeing it in your daily walk, check your walk. Retrace your steps to the time when you last felt Him/saw Him move etc. and go back to that moment. God's the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn't change.....period there is no question mark.
Today I'm thankful. I'm thankful for those moments over the past couple of weeks that the enemy tried to used to discourage me. I'm thankful for the moments that made me realize the boldness and calling on the inside of me was ready to grab. I'm thankful for the moments that made me see the fight that in the realm not easily seen. I'm thankful for the moments that reminded me the power and anointing on the inside of me just needed a breathe of life blown into it. I'm thankful for a visit to the chiropractor that made me so mad at the devil that it was the final push I needed to get through the crowd and get a hold of His hem. I'm thankful for the whisper in the middle of what I thought was an escaping rest was really a restoring rest. I'm thankful for mold coming off walls and fresh paint being opened (that's a blog in itself and a pearl of wisdom from a dear friend). Trust doesn't mean you know how He's gong to do just know He's going to.
I don't know where you are right now, but God does. He's not the author of the fear, anxiety, condemnation, depression, discouragement, or stress that you are feeling right now. He knows what caused it and simply wants you to crawl up in His lap and let Him deal with it for you. He knows it's going to take some time, but if you will trust Him...He promises to restore what the enemy has stolen from you. God wants to fill you with joy and peace overflowing. The mountain may not move, but He will call up the strength you need to climb the mountain. God doesn't see the size of the obstacle, He sees the size of the miracle. Don't let the enemy use the obstacle to keep you from unlocking your miracle. The waters are stirring......
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Preaching to myself ....look out devil
God didn't do what He did for you, give what He gave to you, move the mountains that He moved for you, pour into you what He did, and bring you to a point of restoration for you to keep it to yourself. That fight you are feeling is God saying break from what people have always expected from you, free from what people have always thought about you, and free to be who He has called you to be. God doesn't look at your finger or your status in this world to determine whether or not you can be used by Him. In fact, He only looks at one thing...your heart. He knows how the pieces fit together because He made the pieces. So your heart in His hands means a power released that He can use. A power that makes the enemy tremble, a power that can break the yoke of bondage and can speak life into someone who is on empty. Feeling a fight? means God is moving and the enemy knows it. The enemy knows the power you have, do you?
I spent years of my life not realizing the power that was on the inside of me. Let's be honest when you grow up in a traditional Baptist church, attend a Church of Christ school...and find yourself single in your early 30's...God has a lot of barriers to break through and a lot of roots to pull up. He was faithful and patient to do just that. When God shows you how He sees you, believe Him. When He takes the time to answer the prayer of freedom that your heart has been longing for, to break the chains, pull up the roots of hurt, and to show you what He has called you to do....believe Him. The hardest thing sometimes is walking out that calling when others knew you before you knew who you were. Let that sink in for a minute....You can be a Christian for years and not fully understand or grasp the power that in on the inside of you. You can talk to God, listen to Him, even follow His lead at times...but when you grab a hold of that anointing for yourself....there is a shift in the atmosphere that only God can do. There is a shift that changes you....the restoration process has begun. God is talking the mold off the walls so that He can begin to paint them a brand new. God doesn't look at your finger to decide if you are anointed, He looks deeper. I said all that to say...God knew before I was born the destiny He had planned for my life. The devil did too...and the liar did what he could to try and take it from me. A Child of God in bondage is not a threat to the enemy....because routine and ritual are more important than His presence and power. Going through the motions doesn't work in the middle of the fight. It doesn't work when you are fighting anxiety and the only people you can open up to live a state away. It doesn't work....but when you grab a hold of the anointing that is yours look out devil. When you finally see that the anointing that was pressed out, poured out....was more than just for the ones on stage, but for you as well...look out devil. Grabbing a hold of that anointing last summer...truly changed my life. I remember the night when I sent a text to a friend ...and it finally sank in. I remember the shift...the nights spent in my war time that lead to tears and revelation that only He understands. The prayer times in the car on the way to church and work...that are from my Spirit straight to Him. There is a power that is released that can flow through you when you get to that spot in your journey with Him...(if you will let it). What stops the flow you ask? People pleasing, letting what others say/do crowd out what He says/does, forgetting who He called you to be and what He has done to bring you to this very spot. That story that is yours is not yours to keep to's a story He gave you to tell. That mouth that used to get you in trouble in school (if you all could see my report cards from grade school...) is the very same mouth He planned on using even back then. God has your steps ordered even before you had a foot to take those steps. He knows about the bumps in the path, but He also knows that you know the strength that is stronger than those bumps. That strength that says....I'm not going to stop even though I feel like it. The strength that says He didn't bring me this far to stop now. The strength that says....I know the One who lit my flame..and devil you ain't putting it out today. Don't expect others to understand your journey outside of the boat if they are still riding in the boat. Don't expect others to know what God is telling you and speaking into your life....He tells you what He needs you to know/do and the same to them. It's not always going to make sense and that's okay.
This is one of those blogs that may be just for me, but something tells me someone else needs it to. You are a Child of the Most High...grab a hold of what He is doing in you and through you...and walk in that power. He didn't write the story thus far to quit writing it now. He also didn't take you through the tests that you have walked through to bring you to a place where He can't use your testimony. You have one and there is a power that is behind it that makes the enemy scared (or otherwise that lie wouldn't be spoken...). You are anointed and covered by the Most that when feelings of anything else rise up. Being covered by Him...means He's got your back, sides, and front Child....just walk in His shadow and smile. God knows what He's doing...and that fanning of the flame has a purpose I promise. Keep speaking when He says speak, fighting in the spiritual realm and interceding...keep being the You He has called you to be. You Child of God are anointed and appointed....look out devil!
Friday, March 4, 2016
Up and Over....(Thoughts from the heart)
My God is bigger than anything the enemy can throw against me...(even me!)
To say I've been my own worst enemy at times, would be an understatement. God's been peeling back those layers the entire month of February. While God calls us to be a servant, He also calls us to take care of ourselves. I neglected the latter....and today I have been on the couch resting. Rest can be restoring when we truly let it be just So many times we let our minds race when we are "resting" that it's not truly rest. We also tend to give out more than the rate we are taking in, and that will eventually take it's toll. Knowing God has it all doesn't mean you stop living, but it's about finding a balance. God can't keep working through you when you aren't able to be you. Let's face it...when we don't feel good, we can't be the us He made us to be. Lesson learned hopefully.....and a new day tomorrow.
God and I have truly had some interesting conversations over the last couple of weeks. I wish I could say they have all been deep, but some have let's just say been insightful. Seasons are a beautiful thing. I've truly learned to appreciate when God pulls back the curtains and shows you some of what He has made you to be. I love the calling that He has placed on my life. For years I tried to embrace a career path/plan and never saw that the calling was in the same place. I've always had an idea of what my calling was since a very young age, but God needed me to find out and embrace who I was first before I could truly understand what He had called me to do. If you are trying to figure out why you are where you are, take a few minutes to ask Him to show you who you are. The Who comes before the where, when, why, and how. God made you, knows every detail about you, and loves you just the way you Him and only Him to show you who you are. As a Child of His, He only sees you as a Blood covered Child of the Most High. (Remember that when the enemy tries to scream otherwise at you). Freedom from people pleasing is where peace is found. However the enemy slips in when you are tired and busy to try and slip that chain back takes time for your mouth to get sanctified and free, so until then let your heart tell your mouth what to say.
When you ask God for the why and the details, be prepared for the answer. Revelation will come in your time with Him.....but it may not be easy to swallow. He may ask you to stay the course in an area that you would rather run away from....but He knows what's coming, what He's prepared...and why He has you where He has you. You can't explain God's presence, that truly life changing, tears flowing, tongue praying, healing presence to someone that has never experienced it. It's something they have to experience fully for many times all they have to do is want it, to ask Him to come sit with them....He's not looking to always be on the move and doing, sometimes He wants us to just ask Him to sit with us, to be with us. His presence in the lives of individuals leads to movements of Him. His presence changing one person that goes to the throne room for something and fights the battle in the spiritual realm...can impact an army that needs life spoken back in them. Wonder why the enemy is attacking you? Is God calling you to intercede for an army that has yet to realize they need to be awakened? The more revelation He has given me about the call to intercede, the more I have started to see the enemy's pressing through busy schedules and physical attacks. (Thank you Lord for revelation that shows us how to FIGHT!). Don't quit doing what He has called you to do just because no one seems to understand your calling. Trust God to keep the fire going that He started...and know that He will place the encouragement you truly need in your path when you need it (not when you feel like you need it).
God didn't give you the testimony for you to keep it to yourself. He didn't restore your brokenness, your hurts, and pull up the roots of anxiety, fear, and depression for you to keep it to yourself. We overcome by the power of our testimony. We all have a story to share. The enemy is very quick to tell us we don't, but personally I think that is because he is scared by it. I've only begun to tell my story through this blog....and I'm thankful God is still writing it.
One last thing...we all have moments where we feel like we have hit a wall. I've told God that many times in my walk with Him. Ever since He led me to this verse a few years ago, this is what He reminds me of...every time I tell Him I've hit a wall(which was the conversation we had last night) God knows we have walls that we are going to hit, He made us, He ordained our steps...He knows where the walls lay before we even know they exist. He stands ready and willing to be the One to help us get over long as we are humble enough to ask (and admit we know we have hit the wall). Trust God to help you get up and over that wall today.
To say I've been my own worst enemy at times, would be an understatement. God's been peeling back those layers the entire month of February. While God calls us to be a servant, He also calls us to take care of ourselves. I neglected the latter....and today I have been on the couch resting. Rest can be restoring when we truly let it be just So many times we let our minds race when we are "resting" that it's not truly rest. We also tend to give out more than the rate we are taking in, and that will eventually take it's toll. Knowing God has it all doesn't mean you stop living, but it's about finding a balance. God can't keep working through you when you aren't able to be you. Let's face it...when we don't feel good, we can't be the us He made us to be. Lesson learned hopefully.....and a new day tomorrow.
God and I have truly had some interesting conversations over the last couple of weeks. I wish I could say they have all been deep, but some have let's just say been insightful. Seasons are a beautiful thing. I've truly learned to appreciate when God pulls back the curtains and shows you some of what He has made you to be. I love the calling that He has placed on my life. For years I tried to embrace a career path/plan and never saw that the calling was in the same place. I've always had an idea of what my calling was since a very young age, but God needed me to find out and embrace who I was first before I could truly understand what He had called me to do. If you are trying to figure out why you are where you are, take a few minutes to ask Him to show you who you are. The Who comes before the where, when, why, and how. God made you, knows every detail about you, and loves you just the way you Him and only Him to show you who you are. As a Child of His, He only sees you as a Blood covered Child of the Most High. (Remember that when the enemy tries to scream otherwise at you). Freedom from people pleasing is where peace is found. However the enemy slips in when you are tired and busy to try and slip that chain back takes time for your mouth to get sanctified and free, so until then let your heart tell your mouth what to say.
When you ask God for the why and the details, be prepared for the answer. Revelation will come in your time with Him.....but it may not be easy to swallow. He may ask you to stay the course in an area that you would rather run away from....but He knows what's coming, what He's prepared...and why He has you where He has you. You can't explain God's presence, that truly life changing, tears flowing, tongue praying, healing presence to someone that has never experienced it. It's something they have to experience fully for many times all they have to do is want it, to ask Him to come sit with them....He's not looking to always be on the move and doing, sometimes He wants us to just ask Him to sit with us, to be with us. His presence in the lives of individuals leads to movements of Him. His presence changing one person that goes to the throne room for something and fights the battle in the spiritual realm...can impact an army that needs life spoken back in them. Wonder why the enemy is attacking you? Is God calling you to intercede for an army that has yet to realize they need to be awakened? The more revelation He has given me about the call to intercede, the more I have started to see the enemy's pressing through busy schedules and physical attacks. (Thank you Lord for revelation that shows us how to FIGHT!). Don't quit doing what He has called you to do just because no one seems to understand your calling. Trust God to keep the fire going that He started...and know that He will place the encouragement you truly need in your path when you need it (not when you feel like you need it).
God didn't give you the testimony for you to keep it to yourself. He didn't restore your brokenness, your hurts, and pull up the roots of anxiety, fear, and depression for you to keep it to yourself. We overcome by the power of our testimony. We all have a story to share. The enemy is very quick to tell us we don't, but personally I think that is because he is scared by it. I've only begun to tell my story through this blog....and I'm thankful God is still writing it.
One last thing...we all have moments where we feel like we have hit a wall. I've told God that many times in my walk with Him. Ever since He led me to this verse a few years ago, this is what He reminds me of...every time I tell Him I've hit a wall(which was the conversation we had last night) God knows we have walls that we are going to hit, He made us, He ordained our steps...He knows where the walls lay before we even know they exist. He stands ready and willing to be the One to help us get over long as we are humble enough to ask (and admit we know we have hit the wall). Trust God to help you get up and over that wall today.
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