Saturday, March 5, 2016

Preaching to myself ....look out devil

God didn't do what He did for you, give what He gave to you, move the mountains that He moved for you, pour into you what He did, and bring you to a point of restoration for you to keep it to yourself. That fight you are feeling is God saying break from what people have always expected from you, free from what people have always thought about you, and free to be who He has called you to be. God doesn't look at your finger or your status in this world to determine whether or not you can be used by Him. In fact, He only looks at one thing...your heart. He knows how the pieces fit together because He made the pieces. So your heart in His hands means a power released that He can use. A power that makes the enemy tremble, a power that can break the yoke of bondage and can speak life into someone who is on empty. Feeling a fight? means God is moving and the enemy knows it. The enemy knows the power you have, do you? 

I spent years of my life not realizing the power that was on the inside of me. Let's be honest when you grow up in a traditional Baptist church, attend a Church of Christ school...and find yourself single in your early 30's...God has a lot of barriers to break through and a lot of roots to pull up. He was faithful and patient to do just that. When God shows you how He sees you, believe Him. When He takes the time to answer the prayer of freedom that your heart has been longing for, to break the chains, pull up the roots of hurt, and to show you what He has called you to do....believe Him. The hardest thing sometimes is walking out that calling when others knew you before you knew who you were. Let that sink in for a minute....You can be a Christian for years and not fully understand or grasp the power that in on the inside of you. You can talk to God, listen to Him, even follow His lead at times...but when you grab a hold of that anointing for yourself....there is a shift in the atmosphere that only God can do. There is a shift that changes you....the restoration process has begun. God is talking the mold off the walls so that He can begin to paint them a brand new. God doesn't look at your finger to decide if you are anointed, He looks deeper. I said all that to say...God knew before I was born the destiny He had planned for my life. The devil did too...and the liar did what he could to try and take it from me. A Child of God in bondage is not a threat to the enemy....because routine and ritual are more important than His presence and power. Going through the motions doesn't work in the middle of the fight. It doesn't work when you are fighting anxiety and the only people you can open up to live a state away. It doesn't work....but when you grab a hold of the anointing that is yours look out devil. When you finally see that the anointing that was pressed out, poured out....was more than just for the ones on stage, but for you as well...look out devil. Grabbing a hold of that anointing last summer...truly changed my life. I remember the night when I sent a text to a friend ...and it finally sank in. I remember the shift...the nights spent in my war time that lead to tears and revelation that only He understands. The prayer times in the car on the way to church and work...that are from my Spirit straight to Him. There is a power that is released that can flow through you when you get to that spot in your journey with Him...(if you will let it). What stops the flow you ask? People pleasing, letting what others say/do crowd out what He says/does, forgetting who He called you to be and what He has done to bring you to this very spot. That story that is yours is not yours to keep to's a story He gave you to tell. That mouth that used to get you in trouble in school (if you all could see my report cards from grade school...) is the very same mouth He planned on using even back then. God has your steps ordered even before you had a foot to take those steps. He knows about the bumps in the path, but He also knows that you know the strength that is stronger than those bumps. That strength that says....I'm not going to stop even though I feel like it. The strength that says He didn't bring me this far to stop now. The strength that says....I know the One who lit my flame..and devil you ain't putting it out today. Don't expect others to understand your journey outside of the boat if they are still riding in the boat. Don't expect others to know what God is telling you and speaking into your life....He tells you what He needs you to know/do and the same to them. It's not always going to make sense and that's okay. 

This is one of those blogs that may be just for me, but something tells me someone else needs it to. You are a Child of the Most High...grab a hold of what He is doing in you and through you...and walk in that power. He didn't write the story thus far to quit writing it now. He also didn't take you through the tests that you have walked through to bring you to a place where He can't use your testimony. You have one and there is a power that is behind it that makes the enemy scared (or otherwise that lie wouldn't be spoken...). You are anointed and covered by the Most that when feelings of anything else rise up. Being covered by Him...means He's got your back, sides, and front Child....just walk in His shadow and smile. God knows what He's doing...and that fanning of the flame has a purpose I promise. Keep speaking when He says speak, fighting in the spiritual realm and interceding...keep being the You He has called you to be. You Child of God are anointed and appointed....look out devil!

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