So what do you do? When your feelings tell you one thing, but your heart speaks the truth. What do you do when everything around says You are overwhelmed....but everything on the inside of you says You are Mine. You smile, shout, praise. You stay so focused on what God is doing that while you notice what the enemy is doing, you don't have time to stay put looking at it. You armor up and move forward knowing God has you right where He needs you to be for this season of your life. If things were going peachy, you wouldn't be getting stronger. We don't grow when it's peachy, we grow when we have to rely on the One who created peaches. Relying on Him doesn't mean there has to be a huge tragedy, chaos etc. Relying on Him means you realize that this life is bigger than you, so you may as well follow behind the One who created it for you.
"When God is in it...there is no limit" this is a line from a praise song called "It's Not over". When God is in something, there isn't a limit to what He can do...and when He is inside of you...there is no limit to what you can do. God doesn't operate in your comfort zone, He operates in His zone. So move the chairs out of the way, clear out the space....ask Him to cover and move...then watch Child, watch God does what only our Good, Good Father can do. We limit Him by our limitations...when God knows no limit. He's been waiting since before we were born for us to realize what He could do through us...and then be willing to let Him do it!
God is a God of order. He orders are steps to achieve His purpose and plan. He knows what He created you why doubt when He does exactly what you asked Him to do? Don't pray for revelation, if you aren't willing to digest it when He shows it to you. Don't pray for God to show you truth if you aren't willing to embrace it and apply it. God answers the prayers of His children...but sometimes we ignore the answers He has while waiting on the ones we wanted Him to answer with. God knows what is needed...He knows that person that you need and the person that needs you. He knows when your heart needs encouragement, and trust may ask Him for it to come from one part of your life, and He makes it happen in another. Trust God to answer with what you need..and when He does give Him the glory and praise.
The last two weeks have been a revelation time for me. God's working on a blog right now called Is your river stopped up? Last summer Kelly preached an amazing word that was life changing for many times we are walking around with life on the inside of us, but we have built a wall that has stopped it up. I know how that is. I had learned how to wear a mask and pretend life was peachy...all the while the anxiety and mess was building up on the inside. There was a wall forming and I let it happen. Thankful that God sees that wall...and orders the steps we need to tear it down. It doesn't just fall down on it's own...(that would be too easy), but the mess in His hands...yep the One that built the how the wall starts crumbling. You see God knows your purpose....and if you search deep down, you do as well. What's keeping you from fulfilling that purpose He put on the inside of you? Is it a wall built by your mess? It it a wall you allowed to happen? The choice is can keep your mess and let the river stay stopped up or you can let God tear the wall down and write the message from your mess. God longs to flow through you...He has a work for you to do once the wall is down. I'm thankful today for the wall He tore down last summer. I'm thankful that on days when the enemy taunts my flesh to go backwards...I can sing I'm Not going back...I'm moving ahead. I'm thankful to be able to look back over this past year and with a praise from heart know that God has done exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine, but those are blogs for another day.
You may be reading this going, but I still struggle with _____. Why can't I get past ____? I've asked those questions before question to you is are you talking to God about it and then listening for the answer? I still struggle in my flesh. My natural right now is exhausted and overwhelmed, but my spiritual eyes let me see the beauty from the rain, the sun behind the cloud, and the flowers from the seed. My natural wants to run and hide, but my spiritual has dug in. My natural may question God where are you at, but my spiritual hears the whisper that speaks volumes. My natural sees the time the seed is costing, my spiritual sees the flower from the seed and knows every attack, every hit, every moment made it worth it. I look back on the past year with a smile knowing that while I am still not where I need to be, I'm not where I used to be. I'm not hiding behind a box or putting on the smile when I would rather be in tears. I'm not worried about being real with someone and then later wondering if they will still like me or talk to me. I've embraced who I am as a Child of God...and that makes the difference. My natural still has moments of fear, worry, and stress....there are still moments when I struggle to not listen to the chains the enemy is rattling, but it's in those moments I crawl up in my war spot and go to battle. It's in those moments I call up the prayer warriors who have always been there and pour out my heart. It's in those moments I embrace the freedom I found last year to be me. If you are trying to put a piece of your puzzle in the place you think it fits, quit forcing it....when you let the maker of the puzzle show you how the pieces fit together, it becomes a masterpiece...and it's actually fun watching Him work.
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