I'm the worst at asking for help (some of you are reading this and going yep with a smile). That weakness is one that God is slowly burning away.......because I've learned that asking for help is not a bad thing. In fact, it takes off the mask and lets you be transparent with those around you. Transparency has been one of my words this year.....I'm learning to be real (sometimes a little too real which comes across blunt), but I have lived too long of my life with stuffing down how I felt about things and not being real about what I need. God already knows our needs....He's waiting on us to get real with Him about them as well. He knows what He's trying to do...that discomfort is there for a reason to push us to the next level, to take us to a higher place. We can ignore it and remain...or pour it out to Him and let Him show us who He is through us yet again. I am sure He sits there sometimes looking at me and going ....does she not remember that I took care of (and lists out a whole long list of things), why doubt now. God wants us to lean on other people for support at times....but He wants to be first.
Transparent truths I've learned this month:
- That hurt that the enemy keeps using to wound you....is a place in your heart not covered by God. When you dig up a root and place it in the hands of the One who loves you more than you love yourself....He can cover it and protect it. It doesn't mean the enemy won't ever push on it again...but a healed scar doesn't hurt as bad as one that is still exposed and open. God will show you the hurt, the root...obedience on your part is pulling the root up and laying it at His feet. Let it go child....haven't you let the enemy push on it long enough, it's time for it to be covered under the blood of the One who hurt so you didn't have to. (Heart moment...it's a process, I know that...but I have seen God apply this in some areas of my life...notice I said some because just this week revelation came on another root....and I have a feeling sleep will come when that hurt gets left at the feet of Him)
- Distractions are from the enemy....if he's trying to distract you then know that he's scared of what you are trying to accomplish, what God is doing through you.
- Trust God to pour in the words you need if you are willing to take the time to listen. As a friend reminded me this week, God always lines up His word. If He's telling you something, trust Him to confirm it.
- When you ask for more of Him...realizes that means an emptying of you to make room for more of Him. It's not always going to be easy....but it's always for your good.
- God will place people in your path, journey, walk etc. that may frustrate you to no end at times, but God is using them to reveal more of His plan and purpose in your life....when He wants you to get closer to your calling...He's going to put someone in your life to re-direct you to it and push you closer to His plan (even if it's initially through frustration). His passion is true and stable...He's going to keep it kindled on the inside of you. That fire you feel...is God moving the wood around so that the flame can get bigger.
Trust Him this week sweet reader....I know it feels messy, but God is writing a message that is only yours to give. There is a passion that He poured out the day that you were born and He's going to keep it going. What is He showing you that you need to release, let it go? That prayer you have been asking for more of Him, for no limits....step out in obedience as uncomfortable as it feels because if you move just one of your feet, God will move your other one.