This is a new blog series for Wednesdays this summer. God actually laid it on my heart after the post I made Sunday when I talked about being stuck. These will be short (hopefully) posts about a topic each week and just being real. It's about admitting hey this is how I feel, God help me deal with it and not just ignore it. So the first what do you do when ____ hits is on discouragement.
What do you do when discouragement hits? (and let's be real, it's gonna hit at some point during this journey....for most people more than once). What do you do when life has just worn you down and that smile on your face is fake even though you know the joy of the Lord is on the inside of you? Let's take off the masks for a minute and get real, life can be discouraging at times. If it's not something personal, just turn on the news. There are going to be bumps, twists, and turns that make you ask God what in the world are You doing? There are going to be moments when you just need a good cry or to let out a scream. There are also going to be moments when you will be too hard on yourself and overanalyze the would have, could have, should haves of a situation. There are going to be moments when you just feel down. Discouragement happens when we focus on just what we can see and lose sight of all that we can't. It's hard to press forward when you can't see exactly what God is doing(or that He is even doing something). It's hard to not stay stuck when your flesh is hurt and you just don't want to rise above it. God never said we wouldn't feel down, even David did. One of the most real verses in the Bible is 1 Samuel 30:6 where it says David encouraged himself in the Lord. No one else may get where you are feeling or even see where you are at, but God does. He knows what is on the inside of you...and sometimes you have to stir that up. You have to take the step to remind yourself of what God has done in the past, what He is doing now....and that He has this because He has you. You can't always wait for someone to be that Jesus with skin on, but you have the power on the inside to encourage yourself just like David did. Nothing in your flesh may want to, but sometimes the stirring is what's needed to take the step to jump in to see what God is doing through what you can't see.
Put on the music that lifts you and move your feet even if you don't fee like it...the enemy likes to see you down and focused on just what you can't see. You up and armed for battle scares him, so put a little purpose in your step and remind that liar what you can do through the One on the inside of you. You may not feel powerful, but God said you are. You may not feel period, but we have to walk by faith and not by sight and feelings are what we can see. Discouragement is real, but posting about it isn't going to fix it or help you move forward. Trust the One who knows your heart to encourage you just how you need it. Trust Him that He's not going to leave you there if you are obedient to His voice. One last thing...during those discouragement moments, stay connected to those God connections in your life. You know who they are...and when you don't feel like it, they will be the Ones who God uses to speak life back into you.